Who best fills an Ewok team?

615 posts Member
I have basically everyone but GS and GG. Who goes best with my four ewoks?


  • Gaur
    19 posts Member
    I bet the answer is RG XD
  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member
    @RJ__Brando Would know.

    I think the consensus is RG, daka, st Han?
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    I've found that the most effective characters are as follows:

    1) RG - with the auto taunt, he ensures elder stays alive

    2) Daka - two revives pull you through galactic war

    3) ST Han - he createsaid all sorts of issues for the oponent when he taunts. His added turn meter let's the ewoks take 2-3 turns to the opponents 1.

    4) magmatrooper - use him against sid teams. You'll thank me later.

    5) chewy - keep an eye on him. Once he hits gear 9 he becomes a monster of a tank
  • zerizut
    425 posts Member
    Interesting. RJ, have you published any videos of your Ewok mayhem?
  • Options
    Gaur wrote: »
    I bet the answer is RG XD

    This ^^^

    But honestly, I just came in because I read 'Ewok team' and lolled!
  • Predian
    615 posts Member
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    I've found that the most effective characters are as follows:

    1) RG - with the auto taunt, he ensures elder stays alive

    2) Daka - two revives pull you through galactic war

    3) ST Han - he createsaid all sorts of issues for the oponent when he taunts. His added turn meter let's the ewoks take 2-3 turns to the opponents 1.

    4) magmatrooper - use him against sid teams. You'll thank me later.

    5) chewy - keep an eye on him. Once he hits gear 9 he becomes a monster of a tank

    @RJ__Brando Thanks. I've found that with RG I just don't do enough damage to beat tanky teams in time for the 5 minute arena match.

    I haven't maxed abilities yet so that may matter.
  • Scorn
    411 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »

    First, Aero, i gotta say that I'm not too thrilled watching videos of you butchering my ewoks, but woih how terrible a.i. is in this game. I suppose i can forgive you. After all, i beat your clones on a regular basis too.
  • Scorn
    411 posts Member
    Second. And more to the point, han is great for his turn meter manipulation, but it sucks to wait until his turn to taunt. That means your best toons may be dead before he goes. And his taunt is way too easy to dispel. RG on the other hand is much better. His auto taunt saves you star toons from death, and he stuns very often. He just doesn't deal great damage. Overall, i prefer RG. He is a beast when played well on offense. Sadly, the a.i. just doesn't play well for either of these characters.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    @Scorn it'd sure me nice if they changed the rewards mechanics to be based solely off your own performance. Anyways, feel free to slaughter my clones whenever you like!
  • Options
    Thanks for the info RJ
  • Predian
    615 posts Member
    Thank you all for the responses.
  • Predian
    615 posts Member
    @Scorn Why ventress/Lumi with your Clones rather than Rey or someone who can put out more damage?
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Predian wrote: »
    @Scorn Why ventress/Lumi with your Clones rather than Rey or someone who can put out more damage?

    @Predian those are my clones, not Scorn's. Luminara was a hold over from before Protection, she was necessary given how slow this team starts. Now I prefer Asajj because she does good damage and is another dispeller to eat the taunts.
  • Predian
    615 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »
    Predian wrote: »
    @Scorn Why ventress/Lumi with your Clones rather than Rey or someone who can put out more damage?

    @Predian those are my clones, not Scorn's. Luminara was a hold over from before Protection, she was necessary given how slow this team starts. Now I prefer Asajj because she does good damage and is another dispeller to eat the taunts.

    Interesting. I guess her AOE with Plo and Sarge's can make a difference too if you need to go that path.

    I haven't done much with my ventress. I currently use a Clone team and use Rey in that last spot because I like that she can hit hard, and I like that she has foresight for a little extra protection. Not sure I want to invest in gear/purples for Ventress but it's tempting (she's 7 stars level 70 (I'm 76)).
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    @Predian I'd be using Rey too if I have her. I farmed her to 4 stars and stopped, too much energy that could go towards gear. I just finished taking Sarge to 7 stars though, so I guess I could start again
  • Predian
    615 posts Member
    @Aero I'm stuck at 6 stars for Rex because I didn't realize they were shutting off that pack. He dies so quickly for me. But the clones are a lot of fun. You actually inspired me to add Plo, who I now have close to arena worthy.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Predian wrote: »
    @Aero I'm stuck at 6 stars for Rex because I didn't realize they were shutting off that pack. He dies so quickly for me. But the clones are a lot of fun. You actually inspired me to add Plo, who I now have close to arena worthy.

    @Predian keep me updated on your progress! Plo needs some AI work, but is fun for offense. With any luck Commander Cody or ARC Trooper will be a taunter.
  • Scorn
    411 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »
    @Scorn it'd sure me nice if they changed the rewards mechanics to be based solely off your own performance. Anyways, feel free to slaughter my clones whenever you like!

    @Aero i agree. There is really no way to defend in this game, the best you can hope for is good rng. and even then, the ai has to use it right. I see a lot of people suggest that we receive rewards for highest rank achieved in a day, and I think that would be fair considering that the last minute lockout before payout is a thing. But the Devs will do as they please, and nothing we say or do will change that. Oh Well. And thank you for the offer, I will take you up on that.
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