Increased defense does not mean you can go without a taunter.

I use the standard droid team of HK lead, the ig droids, poggle, and Poe. I faced the same team as mine... Except Poe was missing and QGJ was in his place. Poe taunts and expose both his ig droid then a single poggle powered aoe from my ig88 takes away his ig88 protection and hits his main HP as well so he has 1 and a half health bars. His ig86 has a half bar of protection left and full health. My ig86 use assist boom his ig86 is dead. My ig88 gos again and uses his basic to kill his ig88. The battle is now over as I still have all my characters and he just lost his 2 best DPS. Seriously don't abandon your taunters guys.


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