Talia worth the time?

I am currently farming Talia shards to try to get her to 7*. Why? Because my options are limited in the Cantena. However, I've recently unlocked Kylo shards in the Cantena. Should I continue to farm Talia, or abandon her for Kylo?
Scotty, beam Han Solo aboard the TARDIS now!


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    Abandon her for kylo
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    Farming GS would be a better bet as things stand now.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Talia is good for GW only. There are better healers: Bariss, JC, Lumi. If you have those three, there is no need for Talia. Until you get them, Talia is a great filler.
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    You need her to advance the dark side but I don't think she'd need to cap. JMO though.
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    And I use her on my second team GW
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    Talia is an attack magnet for the AI. I don't know why, but they always focus her 1st. She is essential for a nightsister team, but a nightsister team isn't that great.
    Character Name: Nofaultius
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    You need her to advance the dark side but I don't think she'd need to cap. JMO though.

    Yes. I was having troubles in DS missions so I geared her up and wow! That health steal is amazing, i don't use her for anything else except on my nightsister suicide squad for GW or when I have a suicide squad I want to make to their 3rd turn
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    I have her at 5 stars and gear 8 and I don't regret it a bit. Her heal is underrated by many, especially since she has such huge health steal on her basic attack to mitigate the damage done to herself. The extra turn meter is super nice, too. She's also a healer that isn't a Jedi, so she's better against Sid/Dooku teams.
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    She's useful for Dark Side challenges, good at early-mid stages, but not viable at end-game top-tier. While I do have her leveled and geared up, she's GW team 4 for me (i.e., never used unless I'm having a really bad day in GW).
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