Storm trooper Han vs Ventress

Who to grab next in the arena shipments


  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    ST Han. Without question or debate.
  • Joe_Cus
    152 posts Member
    I just got Sid to 6*. Wondering if I should skip getting him to 7 and go to STH.
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    Joe_Cus wrote: »
    I just got Sid to 6*. Wondering if I should skip getting him to 7 and go to STH.
    I'm at the exact same spot 75 out of 100 so might as well finish
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    I've got both and Han is mandatory now.

    It's not rocket surgery.
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    St han is amazing. I pair him with rg and st han is my leader. Defense is much much better than it was before.
  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    Han if you do not have RG. Some use both but I so far have found han to be over rated.
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    I have no trouble with those teams. I don't think it matters anymore. Defense is even more of a joke than it was. The only good part was the slow animations caused noobs to time out. But they ruined that.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    I'd say Asajj if you don't have someone like QGJ to dispel an enemy taunt. That's your only weapon against taunt in the arena. I'm going for Han's 5th star now and think he'll be even more important than RG to compete considering his turn meter manipulation.

    Regardless of what **** they spouted concerning the last update, speed is just as important as ever. More turn meter = more speed.
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    ST Han surely. Ventress was unfortunately one of the many trap toons EA created so that you'd waste energy farming them. People need to realize that you don't need a full roster to compete in this game. All you'll truly need is around 10 of the 70 characters. The other 60 were put there like a crack in the sidewalk to trip you up, I've been a victim...
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    Been running ST Han forever. Sadly it's a copycat game and he is starting to pop up everywhere on my server. Time for a new build!
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    Love Ventress
    Not teir 1 but fun too
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
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    ST Han surely. Ventress was unfortunately one of the many trap toons EA created so that you'd waste energy farming them. People need to realize that you don't need a full roster to compete in this game. All you'll truly need is around 10 of the 70 characters. The other 60 were put there like a crack in the sidewalk to trip you up, I've been a victim...

    Would be awfully boring to only have 10 toons to play with. I want them all. Nothing wrong with Ventress. Just got her 7th star last night. Love playing her in my night sister team in GW. Also have Sid and Savage max starred.

    Started on ST Han today. He's probably a safer bet for the OP. I had an alt account with a decently leveled rebel squad. Ackbar lead, Han, Biggs , Luke, and HRScout. Fun to play and turn meter manipulation was sick.
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    Han is dope if he's on the right team. He's pretty slow so many toons will go twice before he gets a chance to taunt. If he has full health when he taunts though, it's pretty much a win for me in arena.
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