lvl 8 shards big joke!

48 posts Member
CG you dropped the ball on this one level 8 should be prestigious and bring very atractif caracter shards it takes time to be able to beat lvl 8 3 stars and you drop barris when we all ready maxed her in cantina then snowtropper... like come on thwn whats next?
boba fett another caracter all ready farmable in cantina same with Hoth rebel scout and stormtrooper another caracter we dont want than you finish it with the two ewok we dont want but i guess its fine since they are hard-ishh to farm

but bobba fett barris snowtropper stormtropper hoth rebel scout no excuse on this ! very bad you should make it exciting to get to level 8 battles like you did in cantina

please makes this right


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