Recruitment: AUS Just apply force

40 posts Member
edited April 2016
Gday friends,

Guild Recruitment: “AUS Just apply force”

Aussie based guild looking for members based in either Australia or English speaking members close to Australian based time zones. At the moment, we have 4 founding members who know each other outside of the app but are very keen to invite and include others who are interested in being part of the guild. With so much uncertainty around the purpose of guilds and raids, it is difficult to define what our guild will stand for, but at the moment, we are looking to be active, competitive and social. At bare minimum, members are expected to be active enough that they complete all of their dailies each day (which will be particularly important at lvl 80) and participate in the ‘raids’ when off cooldown. It is my intention that we will be as successful as possible with guild advancement.

One rule I would like to make clear from the start is that if members of the same arena shard find themselves in the guild, placing no1 is fair game. However, when moving up the ladder, a gentlemen’s agreement must be maintained and targeting guild mates when not competing for no1 should be avoided. In addition, there will be no toleration of complaining if someone is beaten out for no1.

Upon commencement of the guild patch, I will be creating the guild within the day (pending the guild creation requirements). If you’re interested, please do a search for the guild name and request to join. There will be no level restrictions upon guild commencement but will be implemented once the guild is established. If people are interested in being officers and contributing to development of the guild, you’re more than welcome to join us.

If you have any queries, please fire away and I’ll do my best to answer.

Note. A bit about my GOH. I’m currently leading the race to 80 on my server, currently sitting on lvl 75 at the time of this post. I have 17 characters at 7* including Yoda and finish no 1 on my server almost every day. I had a solid arena team, have my Jawas and all droids maxed ready for the Jawa Engineer and am now working on a Ewok team for a bit of fun.

EDIT: My ally code is 668-856-668 feel free to add me in game if you may be interested or in need of a high level toon.
Post edited by Chatsy on


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    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Chatsy
    40 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I did see your guild recruitment thread and I wish ANZGC the very best. There was a lot of interest/response to your post and with such depth, you will surely have the strongest player base to represent AUS/NZ with pride :)

    The size of your guild was a little daunting. We're looking to cap out at 50/50 eventually and not spread across a multi tiered guild.

    Who knows, if there isn't enough interest, you may be seeing some additional recruits down the line.
  • Options
    Nah, all goods bro.

    But we're gonna smash youse fellas.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Options
    Haha, just saw your edit now. If you change your mind you're welcome to join. But diversity is always good.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Chatsy
    40 posts Member
    Yeah sorry about that, for some reason iPhone smilies cut it in half.
  • Chatsy
    40 posts Member
    Now that guilds have been further expanded upon and will be released next Monday (Aus time), I'll continue to bump this post every day or so around peak Aus EST.
  • Chatsy
    40 posts Member
    I've received several inbox messages flagging interest. Please keep them coming.
  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Post edited by saberOriginal on
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    Level 75 from Brisbane. I finish rank 1 mostly (pretty easy cause of our timezone)

    I'm looking to to start a guild with my shard mates but I just read about the timed raids. If that becomes too much of an issue with timezones and what not, I'll look you up.
    Tekken 7
  • Chatsy
    40 posts Member
    @saberOriginal @DrpPnts4Food
    Great to hear from you both. Understand the difficulty in trying to work out how everything with unfold with so little information shared about guilds at this stage. Once the patch goes live feel free to join up for a chat or your other plans fall through.

    I'll also edit my original post and add my ally code for anyone needing a hero.
  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Post edited by saberOriginal on
  • Chatsy
    40 posts Member
    Great to hear mate, I'll keep updating this thread over the next week with updates and will continue to seek more Aussie based members.
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    Do you have any info on how your other founding members place daily?
    Tekken 7
  • Chatsy
    40 posts Member
    I know one of the 3 is definitely no1 every day.

    Apologies but the other two I'm not too sure about, I'll have to ask.
  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Post edited by saberOriginal on
  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Post edited by saberOriginal on
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    I already added you saber and sent a request yesterday. I'll try and send another request. I double checked my code above and it is correct.
  • Chatsy
    40 posts Member
    Guild has been created. Join up Aussies!
  • Options
    I've joined, thanks guys! was looking for an aus guild.
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