Would you like a pass button?

113 posts Member
edited April 2016
So I'll admit it's mostly in GW I find the need for it (yes I know I can retreat), but I have occasionally come across a desire to pass in arena as well.

Examples: When you have a low health character who has to attack a character who will definitely counter, like Doku or Fives. I often want to just skip my turn and let my character heal, or have a chance to get healed. In GW especially I often want to skip a kill shot to get to a heal in before the next round.

This could come at the cost of total or partial loss of turn meter. It could also add loads of new strategy to the game even in arena. Hell if you really wanted to change it up, add a defend button instead of a skip.

Has anyone else wanted to have this feature?
Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.

Would you like a pass button? 59 votes

Yes, a skip feature would be useful.
clhsstupidfatfoolBaalAggropoxGalgenstrickRobbathehuttSmithieinfectiouszombieImbicatusJedi_of_OzGiodude2000OobydoobBrandiecardozaPmanRingoMajoreMikeescorpion8888MasteryodaPjbno4MarkatonaPrgynt 33 votes
No, a skip is unnecessary.
HyperalloyThe_Oklahoma_KidKhorvog_KarbossaCorndog131Alteisen76AmaltheaMikymateLordRathmedetecFinalGreyJediLightwalkerItsJarJarBinkzZachman523andreaJaesyn_BeazEventineElessedilAlugardDani_PvPJcrandall21Darth_Vosahk 26 votes


  • Options
    No, a skip is unnecessary.
    It'll make it to easy
  • Options
    Yes, a skip feature would be useful.
    It'll make it to easy
    How so? Just GW? If there is a penalty, or a defend state (reduced damage) it would add a ton of strategy.
    Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.
  • Options
    No, a skip is unnecessary.
    It'll ruin the game. If I'm defending in arena with Fives and you can just pass every time until you heal, then the game is broken.
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    If it's only for me
  • Options
    No, a skip is unnecessary.
    No, that's silly, especially in GW where you can just leave one character alive and wait for your healing refreshes to keep coming back up to make sure you are maxed out and all CDs reset for the next fight.

    I want to pass sometimes, but then I tell myself I should have strategized better.
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    TastyPants wrote: »
    So I'll admit it's mostly in GW I find the need for it (yes I know I can retreat), but I have occasionally come across a desire to pass in arena as well.

    Examples: When you have a low health character who has to attack a character who will definitely counter, like Doku or Fives. I often want to just skip my turn and let my character heal, or have a chance to get healed. In GW especially I often want to skip a kill shot to get to a heal in before the next round.

    This could come at the cost of total or partial loss of turn meter. It could also add loads of new strategy to the game even in arena. Hell if you really wanted to change it up, add a defend button instead of a skip.

    Has anyone else wanted to have this feature?

    No. If it's unfair it's unfair for all
  • Options
    No, a skip is unnecessary.
    people have been begging for this ever since dooku has been in meta. I don't have a single counter on my team, but it would sicken me if EA did this. it over-nerfs all counters and would destroy dooku. i know, dooku is annoying, but theres other fixes
  • Merula
    68 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Yes, a skip feature would be useful.
    I would like it because I've found myself using Leia's stealth as a pass to get extra turns for cooldown resets as she would most likely kill the last enemy in GW. But as others have pointed, that's bound to be misused so it probably wouldn't work out so well.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Yes, I would - but it's unfair to counter attackers.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    No, a skip is unnecessary.
    Would make a lot of characters passive abilities or abilities in arena fights worthless...I.e - I will just keep passing until my ability that lets me one shot kill dooku with rey reloads

    Would make GW really boring and easy - get them down to a their weakest toon - hit luminaras heal and pass till all of your abilities have reset
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    No, a skip is unnecessary.
    A game with counter attack, self buff or tm gain when attacked... sure give it a pass Button
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    I'd like a block button, only take half damage while blocking.
  • Options
    No, a skip is unnecessary.
    I'd like a mushroom button where my character would turn into Big Super Mario and shoot fireballs at the enemies.
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