5-L Dark Side

Oh my goodness. Can someone please help me with this battle? The first 2 stages are Jawas and they constantly hit me with the AoEs. Killing one character in the first round and like 3 in the second. The final is Ahsoka and 4 Jedi Knight Guardians. I have been stuck on this forever!
I use Boba Fett, Vader, Sidious, Kylo Ren and Savage Oppress. All their power is 3000 above. Kylo and Boba have purple armor and they all range from level 56-60. I still can't win!


  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Come back to it later. It's not worth it to waste your energy on failed attempts. I know it has needed gear, but just good back for awhile and get stronger.
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    It's just so frustrating. That's probably my best bet though.
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    Having Old Daka as an ally to add some healing power helps as well, but I beat, but didnt 3 star this battle with lvl 60 Darth Vader and Sidious, Talia, Greedo, the Royal Guard, and Capt. Phasma as my ally.
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    Old Daka is great as an ally.
    Drop Sid, level Talia. At higher gear her health steal is enough to compensate for the group heal.
    NS initiate can hit like a truck and has one of the highest health bars in the game. Not an immediate solution but it'll help in the future. Ventress is self sustainable as well :)
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    I remember this one. A real pain! I used Tarkin as lead, vader, rg, daka, and gs. Ventress for the ally. Having a good stun or taunt helps! Not too mention get Vaders multi attack higher to get more dots on the jawas
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    You can't do it without a healer. I ended up doing it with an high powered Daka as my Ally slot and a whole load of good luck trying I multiple times until the RNG smiled on me. Unless you leave it for a long time you're going to need luck and powerful allies.
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