What's your dream team?

12 posts Member
edited April 2016

My personal dream team is Rey or Dooku, QGJ or poggle, Ayala secura, RG, and luminari.


  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    QGJ, RG, Aayla, Leia, Rey
    Against super high stun teams swap Aayla and QGJ leaders possibly.

    Currently have Aayla 6* from lucky chromium drops, only just got Rey to 5* so I am using Yoda instead.

    Who would you wish to have as your leader @Glupdrup
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    QGJ, Yoda, Mace, Ahsoka, Anakin.

    got most of them.....but devs decided they should all suck.....
    “Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing …”

    – Yoda
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Rey sandwhiched with Padme and Old Leia ;)
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    Game wise? Grievous, 88, 86, MagnaGuard, hk. Probably hk as lead.
    What I would want is grievous lead, MagnaGuard, 86, Droideka, Commando Droid.
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    Game wise? Grievous, 88, 86, MagnaGuard, hk. Probably hk as lead.
    What I would want is grievous lead, MagnaGuard, 86, Droideka, Commando Droid.

    I have other droid at 7* and 6*GG, this team in current meta sucks... which broke my heart.
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    Phasma(L), Daka, Dooku, FOTP, RG

    HK47(L), IG88, IG86, IG100, JE
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    Phasma, Daka, Dooku, Fives, Leia

    Not sure if it would be any good but it looks fun to play
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    @Smithie lmao.

    @Akster I'm liking Dooku as lead right now. They'll probably nerf the dodge bonus soon, so I think the next best option is going to be phasma if that happens
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    Phasma(L), RG, Fives, Leia, Aayla. I challenge anyone to play this team at gear 9 and level 8 abilities and not throw down his/her phone to write a 1000 word essay on this forum asking for nerfs.
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    Really, Leia. That's it. I really want Leia. She would open up so many possibilities for me. She is the key to so many team compositions that I cannot have.
    ☮ Consular ☮ Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. -Ben Kenobi
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    Royal Guard

    Working on royal Guard. After she is finished I go after Ima-Gun and prey Aayla becomes available.
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