Characters I want to see and why

19 posts Member
edited April 2016
This is a response I made to someone else's post but I realised I wanted to give some more attention to these and see if you agree.

A grievous hard node. Just one.

3* Wicket the Ewok. Do him in the Cantina Shipments.

Despite Chirpa, we still need a 5th Ewok. Make him a vicious attacker.

2* Bossk and 3* Jango. Make Bossk Arena and Jango GW.

Bounty Hunter team!!! Jango could be a boss.

4* Commander Cody for Clone team. Make him hard nodes and shard shop and cards only.

Not enough **** clones yet. Also, we don't really have a healing clone.

1* Scout Trooper. Make him a cantina level and make him easy to get.

Just for the sake of a stormtrooper team.

1* Regular TIE Pilot. Make him arena perhaps?

A double TIE pilot team could be devastating. DEVASTATING.

4* Regular Han Solo for Rebel team. Make him cantina shipments.

I don't mind ST Han, but real Han would be so much better.

3* Ki Adi Mundi. Make him extremely easy to get from a cantina level.

He is a bit of a loser, but he could be an attacker/support.

3* Shaak Ti. Make her GW.

She could be a great tank or maybe support.

4* Emperor Palpatine (No, not Sidious). Make him literally as hard to get as you possibly can.

Fantastic attacker and maybe even give him a heal?

4* Clone Wars Obi Wan. Make him pretty easy. Maybe cantina level and data cards.

Tank/Support with outstanding health.

2* Padme. Make her like Leia, which is nearly impossible to get leveled up.

Attacker, again like Leia. Instead of stealth, though, give her the ability to give def up and HP up to all her allies.

4* Revan PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Just make him part of the game.

Make him a beast tank or attacker, in the vein of a buffed up Savage Opress.

4* Malak. GW maybe? If not, then do Cantina shipments.

Do whatever you want with him. He'll be cool. Although he has to have an OP AOE.

3* R2-D2. Another Arena shipment.

Basic attack almost no damage but incredible chance to stun. Low health though, and maybe a team buff.

4* Mother Talzin, as the ultimate DS healer. Make her like Grievous. 1 hard node and ****.

Healer and offense up. Maybe also advantage. Make her a **** beast.

3* Pre Viszla in Cantina Shipments.

Awesome attacker with darksaber? I think yes.

Post edited by Pierce123 on


  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Counter argument for Commander Cody:
    Clones have the 3 out of the 4 hardest farming methods (hardest being shard shop which is just General Grevious)
    Rex behind a pay wall
    Clone Seargant in hard nodes
    Fives in Cantina Shipments (which is slower than cantina nodes, arena, and GW)

    Clones deserve Commander Cody in either GW, Arena, or Cantina nodes.
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    Yeah, that's true, but he can't be too easy. Maybe give him a Cantina node in like tier 5-6 of Cantina. Clone Sergeant kinda sucks, too. I have fives at 6* and I use him all the time. I made allies with a bunch of Rex leaders. I also think we should have Clone Private and Clone Captain. Make them super easy to get. That way, I could use:

    Cody as Leader
    Ki Adi Mundi (I hope he'll have synergies)

    If not maybe just buck up and use Plo or Sergeant.

    And borrow Rex when I could.
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    Why malak and not revan two sides of the coin
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    I think revan and bastila shan would be great characters to bring out also try looking into darth malgus revan would have to be a grey jedi also being that his force pwoers are so diverse the same with malgus
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    Dude, I said Revan... I don't know. I could see him being an all out sith. Or you could do light and dark revan. That would be sick.
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    Those would all be cool, I'd like more Jedi personally though, like Quinlan Vos, Adi Galia, Even Piell, Saesee Tiin, Cin Drallig, Nahdar Vebb, Jocasta Nu.
    Dark side Aurra Sing, Zam Wesell, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, Dengar.
    And Rebels characters, Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Sabine, Zeb, Agent Kallus, Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister.
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