Looking for a guild

Hi I'm looking for a guild to join. Here are my stats/characters I offer:

7 star Lumi lvl 72 gear 7 5139 power
5 star Talia lvl 70 gear 8 4900
5 star Jedi Consular lvl 71 gear 8 4761
5 star Boba Fett lvl 68 gear 8 4513
5 star Greedo lvl 70 gear 7 4154
5 star Kylo Ren lvl 70 gear 7 4067
5 star Yoda lvl66 gear 7 4004
4 star Vader lvl 69 gear 7 3874
5 star Phasma lvl 65 gear 7 3826

My player level is 74. I am on everyday usually in the morning and again at night and sometimes depending on my schedule I'll get on in afternoon as well. My arena rank is not very high, inbetween 990-1200 but I don't focus a whole lot on arena. I focus more on cantina battles/ challenges/ other ways of getting shards and upgrading gear.

I want to be with a guild that has a happy medium. I want a competitive team that wants to do well. On the other hand, I do want to have fun, and I do have other obligations in life so GoH cannot be my #1 priority.

My forum name is falconlion7 and I'm not 100% sure on my name in game, however if you are interested in adding me, I'm more than happy to give my ally code. Thanks in advance!


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