Yoda Event

Just wondering if I'm going to be up a creek without a paddle for the 7* fight. Cause I have JC, Lumi, Jinn, Mace, and Eeth. Or could sub in Ashoka or Eeth, never focused on Barriss cause never had GW issues


  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    I'm more worried that they've upped Yoda to be a level 80 fight now. Apparently it was already RNG determined if you'd win or not (from what I've read on here from most of you).. So if they make his level higher it'll only be more of a pain.
  • Options
    You may have a bit of an easier time with protection now. It allows you to take a few extra hits. I beat 7* Yoda with Lumi lead, QGJ, JC, Eeth Koth and Ashoka (be sure they are all geared up). Took me well over 200 tries, not even kidding. Do what others have recommended: cycle through until you get bariss and some easy jedi like JKG. Bring both down to low health so that when Bariss heals, she will cut Yoda's health down. Then take your shots at Yoda to finish him off. He is a pain but you will get it, with time and patience.
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    Honestly the only good thing about Yoda sense the last update is his tenacity up ability. He hits like the frog that he is. He was near impossible to beat before with his 12,000 dmg crits and 3 turns in between on of yours not to mention his broken foresight. I feel it you didn't get him before the update you probably never will
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    Nefferion wrote: »
    Honestly the only good thing about Yoda sense the last update is his tenacity up ability. He hits like the frog that he is. He was near impossible to beat before with his 12,000 dmg crits and 3 turns in between on of yours not to mention his broken foresight. I feel it you didn't get him before the update you probably never will

    Well here's hoping you are wrong!
  • Options
    They said they're making the Yoda event easier. If I remember he'll have his speed adjusted and maybe some other things. I didn't have an issue with Tier 5, I don't expect to have much of an issue with Tier 7.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Does anybody even care about Yoda anymore except maybe bragging rights? I was already too invested, that's why i am still farming for the Jedis. Otherwise, i regret it now!
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    Does anybody even care about Yoda anymore except maybe bragging rights? I was already too invested, that's why i am still farming for the Jedis. Otherwise, i regret it now!

    Also agree with you here too. Have Lumi and QGJ and Barris at 7 stars and JC (50/100) and Mace (30/100) at 6 . My Yoda is only 5* so I at least look forward to getting him to 6* if my mace shard pulling stays cruddy!
  • JSnow54
    176 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    When they realized they made the current challenges OP they corrected it. Perhaps they did the same with the Yoda challenge and corrected it then as well.

    I'm more interested in a return date.
  • Zemon
    26 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    JSnow54 wrote: »

    I'm more interested in a return date.
    +1 wolf man
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    Should be next Thursday on his return.

    Also, I run a full Jedi squad with everyone maxed except Yoda and I love them all. Mace (L), Luminara, Old Ben, Qui Gon Jin, and Yoda. I have a maxed Eeth Koth to use for the Yoda event.
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    I get targeted like crazy having a full jedi squad and Mace as leader, but my toons do more damage than they did before the damage nerf update, so it's a nice advantage. Now if they'd just fix Dooku teams giving everyone offense up, we'd be great.
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    They said they're making the Yoda event easier. If I remember he'll have his speed adjusted and maybe some other things. I didn't have an issue with Tier 5, I don't expect to have much of an issue with Tier 7.

    Trust me the tier 7 was a nightmare, 5 i could have beat on auto with just lumi, but on tier 7 if yoda focuses on any toon you will lose, if you dont ahve 5 toons left when its just you and yoda, you lose, if he does not like you, you lose, if you dont get way more dodges than you should, you lose.

    Its all RNG at tier 7, so yeah maybe the adjustments will fix it, and maybe having higher levle toons now will make it easy as pie.
  • JSnow54
    176 posts Member
    Should be next Thursday on his return.

    @TheMadTwadder based on?
  • Options
    It's once a month - or every fourth week starting Thursday - so it should be next Thursday. Unless they decided to change it, but that's what it's been the last times.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I'd rather they wait a week longer this time...
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    Not me! I barely missed the cutoff for 6* and now have everyone at 7* too so I'm ready.
  • JSnow54
    176 posts Member
    @TheMadTwadder did you take into account his "surprise" visit? Will next Thursday already be a month?
  • TheMadTwadder
    483 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    What surprise visit?? They've all been planned events, even the first one where there was a 1 week countdown. (last time they didn't do a countdown, but it was on time - I think EA was just lazy as usual on it)
  • morcsea
    164 posts Member
    Sparrow wrote: »
    They said they're making the Yoda event easier. If I remember he'll have his speed adjusted and maybe some other things. I didn't have an issue with Tier 5, I don't expect to have much of an issue with Tier 7.

    Trust me the tier 7 was a nightmare, 5 i could have beat on auto with just lumi, but on tier 7 if yoda focuses on any toon you will lose, if you dont ahve 5 toons left when its just you and yoda, you lose, if he does not like you, you lose, if you dont get way more dodges than you should, you lose.

    Its all RNG at tier 7, so yeah maybe the adjustments will fix it, and maybe having higher levle toons now will make it easy as pie.

    True is pure RNG. I found myself the easiest Yoda team to defeat was Old Ben, JKG & Yoda. Focus only on Yoda and ignore his buddies until he is dead. After that kill JKG and last Old Ben. I know others has different ways to defeat but I tried all and only this one worked for me. Trying to attack/kill Yoda's jedis did not help instead Yoda became a monster and defeated my team every time.
    Anyway, good luck!
  • JSnow54
    176 posts Member
    What surprise visit?? They've all been planned events, even the first one where there was a 1 week countdown. (last time they didn't do a countdown, but it was on time - I think EA was just lazy as usual on it)

    One of the recent updates included the Yoda event early. So there were like 2 or 3 planned, with a count down timer. Then "returning soon". The one of the updates, I think the lvl 80 update had the "surprise" Yoda event with "returning soon" since then.
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    But they've all come out last thursday of the month though, right?
  • JSnow54
    176 posts Member
    Honestly don't know. Timer worked great, don't know why we can't have it back. I've got my 6* team ready but pretty short on a 7*. QGJ 34/100, Barris 2/100, JC 21/100.
  • Options
    Just wondering if I'm going to be up a creek without a paddle for the 7* fight. Cause I have JC, Lumi, Jinn, Mace, and Eeth. Or could sub in Ashoka or Eeth, never focused on Barriss cause never had GW issues

    I beat yoda with this exact team....but it took close on 100 tries
    “Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing …”

    – Yoda
  • TemperTantrumRen
    407 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm going all the way with this because I might as well, because the two remaining Jedi I need to fully promote are worth it. QGJ is over 70/100, so that's another five to six days. Asoka is about 13/100, so I might have to wait for another month before tackling tier 7. But that's fine by me, tier 6 will be plenty of fun I'm sure.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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