Poggle is bugged?

176 posts Member
edited April 2016
So i faced dooku lead ig88, 86, poggle, poe
My team phasma lead FOTP kylo RG jawa.
I take out their whole team except for poggle and only lose RG but it takes 4 rotations (16 attacks) to kill poggle because only about 1 in every 4 was hitting. Ive noticed that poggle has an insanely high dodge rate on droid teams even when his droid allies go down. Anyone else notice this? I believe his ability must be bugged to continue providing the evasion bonus even though his droid allies are no longer alive.
On another ocassion i whittled a team down to hk 47 and poggle. I tried to take out poggle and missed so many times i just gave up and went for hk. Luckily it was in gw


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