guidance please

302 posts Member
edited April 2016
hello im looking for a guild to join and possible guidance on how to play in the up coming meta, . i love my droids and poggle is amazing i love it to wipe this protection haha. i get very far in GW but because im F2P and still new( i started in late jan.) its still hard to win and same goes for arena i top 400 at best right now. im farming RG GS and poggle and daka..... thats been my main focus. sadly when i stared i didnt use forums and i messed up bad and got 30 shard for GG OMG what a waste man.... anyways let me know whats up and if you have a spot for me come sunday
Post edited by kylorexx42 on


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    For GW I would consider farming up Barriss when you can work her in. A 4* Barriss and a 4* RG both at G8 got me through GW pretty consistently when paired with 7* G8-9 IG-86, 88 and GS. As far as the new meta goes I don't completely know, but Jawa Engineer is a thing once raids start happening and that will work well with your droid composition most likely.

    Definitely don't stop RG, GS, Poggle and Daka but if I had to pick an overall hole in your current roster it would be heals for GW and Barriss fills that role better than anyone IMO in GW.

    Good luck out there!
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    infidale wrote: »
    For GW I would consider farming up Barriss when you can work her in. A 4* Barriss and a 4* RG both at G8 got me through GW pretty consistently when paired with 7* G8-9 IG-86, 88 and GS. As far as the new meta goes I don't completely know, but Jawa Engineer is a thing once raids start happening and that will work well with your droid composition most likely.

    Definitely don't stop RG, GS, Poggle and Daka but if I had to pick an overall hole in your current roster it would be heals for GW and Barriss fills that role better than anyone IMO in GW.

    Good luck out there!
    awesome man thanks for the info ssounds like im on the right path hey man after sunday let me know if your guild has room i play this all day
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    Could someone point me in the direction of a good guild
  • Zeldo
    32 posts Member
    Check the player guilds thread, if many are full or u don't find one many more will pop up to join in game think they have a search option.
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    Lots of threads for players looking for players. Take a look and see if any matches your time zone and play style
  • dvl009
    529 posts Member
    hey op i think u can climb arena ranks if u put a taunter with ur droid team either st han or poe would be nice. in my exp fighting droids teams RG doesnt really work well in droid team, or at least i find it more difficult to beat droid teams w/ st han or poe.
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    dvl009 wrote: »
    hey op i think u can climb arena ranks if u put a taunter with ur droid team either st han or poe would be nice. in my exp fighting droids teams RG doesnt really work well in droid team, or at least i find it more difficult to beat droid teams w/ st han or poe.

    Awesome man thanks for the help I think st han for turn meter right?
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