General Grevious post update

165 posts Member
Is he useful now? Only on a droid team? What are your thoughts?


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    Nothing but a trophy in your roster.
    Mestre Fábio - My YouTube Channel - My SwGOH profile - Brazilian player? Come to play with us, AAT heroic, contact me
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    He is worse than ugnaught
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    May be with jawa engineer he might be a bit better? I don't have him and have never fought him so I have no idea, but speeding his first turn plus his leader ability against crit based teams could be good. I don't like his passive thoug, it can easily backfire on you.
  • Thire
    111 posts Member
    He better at least be good in an all droids squad, he's a pain in the *** to get
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    Still not good. Sorry. My friend has him 7*, still too slow and his taunt is awkward. Maybe with Jawa engineer?
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    It looks like his basic attack is one of the hardest in the game while also avoiding counters and dodges, and with the way his reverse RG taunt works maybe the hope is that he would deal a sizable amount of damage over a long fight? He's still slow so he would need to be paired with someone like HK. But like Yoda, I imagine he uses all his special abilities at all the wrong times.
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