character driven game

148 posts Member
edited April 2016
First of all, I would like to thank the devs for all they do, as well as the mods for their continual patience and hard work on the forums. I really enjoy this game.

My reason for playing this game is the ability to make dream teams from some of my favorite iconic Star Wars characters. My current team is Boba lead, Kylo, Fives, Greedo, and Mace. On average I finish around 200 in arena, plus or minus 50 (It is probably pretty tempting to fight my team comp rather than another Dooku, QGJ, droid or other meta comp), but I am content with that finish. From observing the forum for a while, I can tell I am in the minority... the very small minority. Success in PVP seems to be the only motivation for at least forum goers. I just like my favorites and exotics too much.
With everything previously stated, I know I am in the minority for my opinions on what should come next as well. People want bugs to be fixed first (would be nice). IMO it is all about the characters being added. I just want to farm my favorites even if they are buggy or weak. If there is anything to be said about EA and bugs: they always sort themselves out (BF4, EA battlefront. I think at some point almost all of the characters will achieve some sort of viability like RG's buff. Either way, I want more characters so I am going to suggest some.
I am going to avoid the temptation to list just my favorites and stick exclusively to characters featured in the films. I will add some of my ideas for how the characters could be represented, but it will mostly be a stream of consciousness and, therefore, not necessarily balanced/ possibly OP.

I am going to start with what is IMO one of the most interesting possibilities now that we have protection: Droideka
This character could have low health but high protection, but could be one of the first characters to regenerate protection. Could have a unique where it has speed up when its protection is down (when it rolls around).

Jango Fett
Probably the most prominent character to appear in the movies but not in this game (not counting Palpatine or Jedi Luke). I am bummed that there wasn't even mentioned in the datamines, as he is one of my all time favorites. Jango is also probably the 4th most suggested character on the forums after Jedi Luke, Palpatine and Revan. Some things that differentiate Jango and Boba (in the movies) include using a flamethrower in addition to his wrist rockets. He also showed so more effective jetpack usage. A flamethrower special could add some DOTs (AOE or single target?) and perhaps be unavoidable (yes it WAS avoided in the movies). He could be a precision, crit-based attacker who used his jetpack to avoid counters. Please don't make Jango a chromium exclusive! Scoundrel event?

Jar Jar Binks
He has been suggested as a joke in most of the character suggestion topics, but I think he could be an interesting character. He could be an anti-droid attacker with some of the highest dodge in the game. I know it is out there, but stick with me: if Jar Jar dodges, the attack inflicts a percentage of the damages as friendly fire on a random enemy (think when he was dancing in the middle of battle droids on naboo and they kept shooting each other). His basic could be those purple gungan emp grenade things. He could have a special on cooldown at the start where an avalanche of the purple balls do AOE damage. Also, bonus dodge against droids, definitely.

Commander Cody
Natural clone leader. It would be tough to top Rex's leader ability though. Could be a clone speed leader. Don't have many ideas for unique attacks that aren't OP, but I am confident that he could have some support benefits. I really want more clones. I would prefer clones like Kix who was a medic or Echo from the cartoons but I am trying to stay within the films.

Ewoks are cool, as are synergy teams. I am 35 is shards away from both my elder and scout from having all of the Ewoks 7*. Would be nice to have a fifth.

Don't know too much about him, but EA is already working on him for Battlefield. He could be an attacker who has a special in place of a leader ability like Kylo or Rey.

Nien Nunb/ Wedge Antilles
More pilots for ships. Nien Nunb is more likely for the same reason as Dengar. Wedge probably has to wait for the addition of ships. Just wanted to mention these guys because they are iconic and I know that they would probably be brought to my attention if I didn't.

A First Order version of CUP with some anti resistence synergies? Worth mentioning

Ewok support that could give random buffs and TM to ewok allies. Could work similar to Chirpa's inspiring presence in the Ewok WWF event, except that it would probably need to happen over multiple turns to remain balanced. Could taunt? The move would be called "I'm fluent in over..." His basic would be purely support, no damage.

Ship synergy. Stun ray. For stuns. He could use his oil and thruster combo as a two turn attack. Maybe his basic could be to douse in oil, which he could do to one enemy per turn, and when he activates his thruster special all doused enemies would be dealt damage and DOTs.

That is all that I can think of from the movies at the moment. I didn't mention any really obscure characters that you see in one scene if you look closely. I also might come back and add characters from other canonical sources. Let me know if I forgot someone and also what you think about the ideas for the ones I did mention.

Captain Panaka
All featured in the movies. Will come back with some possible abilities when I'm in a more creative mood.
Post edited by Kevez on


  • Options
    You're not the only one who doesn't farm or follow the meta.

    You should try making synergised squads too.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Kevez
    148 posts Member
    I hope to get a clone squad at some point, but Rex is too expensive for me. My ewok team is almost ready. I tried them once but I don't remember if it was before or after protection was added and I dropped pretty substantially. I am setting my sights on a scoundrel team once I can get Greedo's leader skill to level 8. So far I have Greedo, Nute, and Boba at 7* and Lando at 5*. Waiting for the inevitable addition of Jango ;) Thinking of the scoundrels reminded me the Scoundrel Han was supposed to be mentioned in my OP next to Jedi Luke and Palpatine.
  • dvl009
    529 posts Member
    +1 for droidekas coolest droid evuurrr
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    I am ok with all of that. Just stop forcing Jar Jar Binks in this game. He should not even be in the movies ...
  • Kevez
    148 posts Member
    yeah... he is annoying isn't he? I really only mentioned him because, unfortunately, he DID feature so heavily in the movies. I do find the concept kit to be genuinely cool and I am curious if you agree with at least that much, @Theopium ?
  • Options
    I'm with you! I tried that when I first started. Wanted to build the dark side squad of despair - Sidious, Vader, Dooku, Ventress and Mr. Fett. Master - Apprentice combos and Boba because well...its obvious I think.... ;) Had RG in until I unlocked Vader but that team is not as dominating as I thought it would be, to say the least! Wish Vader had a speed up similar to QCJ. Still fun to see on DS challenges tho! Might try it again once I get the cookie cutter team all starred & geared up. Takes long when u f2p lol
  • Options
    Kevez wrote: »
    yeah... he is annoying isn't he? I really only mentioned him because, unfortunately, he DID feature so heavily in the movies. I do find the concept kit to be genuinely cool and I am curious if you agree with at least that much, @Theopium ?

    Well, the kit seems understandable. In Clone Wars he is also "dodging" most of the **** that goes down on him, without sense. But this is just for the case that he will be in the game.
    There are movie versions without JarJar and I prefer watching them, aswell as I would prefer not to have this thing in the game.
    By the way, do not make a drinking game on Episode 1 with having a shot everytime JarJar says "Mesa". You are done after 30mins.
  • Kevez
    148 posts Member
    lol I will keep that in mind
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    All good stuff. But ewoks arnt cool
  • Kevez
    148 posts Member
    They are really shy at first. They are cool once you get to know them.
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