Questions before joining a guild

curious and nervous about the whole guild thing here.

i’ve been playing daily since mid december and have enjoyed the game so far. obviously there are quite a few things to tweak and upgrade, but i’ve been having fun and have assembled quite a roster.

when the guilds were announced, i wasn’t necessarily thrilled because i wasn’t looking to forward to the game becoming much more time consuming outside of the game itself (chats, line, etc.)

BUT, i also don’t want to miss out on stuff and i’m fairly sure that a lot of players are in the same boat as me (i read the forum daily too so i tend to keep track of what’s going on here)

guilds have been created left and right here, but no one really knows how this will all work out. could any of you maybe share your thoughts on why no one seems to be waiting for the guilds to be released first before they actually join a guild?

some questions that i’ve been pondering are:
how much time are you willing to spend on the game outside of the game (if any)?
would you be better of with only players of your timezone?
is there any benefit having only top level teams in your guild or specific drawbacks to just having no reqs at all (the latter seems more fun in a way)?
what happens a week from now when half of the guilds will see that some of their members have quit?
why are the fun people all in the same guild?
add the questions you are asking yourself here


  • wrilley
    390 posts Member
    >>guilds have been created left and right here, but no one really knows how this will all work out. could any of you maybe share your thoughts on why no one seems to be waiting for the guilds to be released first before they actually join a guild?

    *1) Access to content on opening day. 2) You can always change guilds later.

    >>how much time are you willing to spend on the game outside of the game (if any)?

    *So far it doesn't look like this will be a concern.

    >>would you be better of with only players of your timezone?

    *Currently, it's the opposite. You're better off being a few time zones behind your guild leader. I suspect this will change though.

    >>is there any benefit having only top level teams in your guild or specific drawbacks to just having no reqs at all (the latter seems more fun in a way)?

    *This is basically the difference between a hardcore and casual guild. The requirements to do Tier 7 activities daily are pretty steep. A casual guild is probably aiming at more like Tier 5 on energy days, and hoping to make Tier 7 on GW/Arena/Challenge days. Stronger guild = faster progress, but how much of a difference is unknown.

    >>what happens a week from now when half of the guilds will see that some of their members have quit?

    *A lot of guilds have a waitlist to draw from.

    >>why are the fun people all in the same guild?

    *Would you want to be the fun one in a stuffy guild? ;)
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    Thanks Wrilley
    So don't miss out on the fun on day 1 and revisit later. Guess you're right and most are probably doing it this way.
    Need to scroll through some of these guilde posts i guess
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    It sounds to me like not much will change. On dark side battle day, use all your energy to farm things from dark side battles, and the same for LS battle day. Use a cantina fresh or two on cantina day if you can. Make sure all your dailies are complete on that day.

    No more time than usual except for the raids. I tried joining a guild early on that used a chat app and my phone was going off left and right every time someone posted a message, showing as a text. Quickly got out of that one.

  • Options
    That's exactly what i'd want to avoid. Want to play it B) but that said i'd be very curious to see what those top tiers will bring.
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