Kicked from Guild I created

192 posts Member
edited June 2016

Post edited by myea8017 on


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    reinstalled client 4 times, had members send me invites, still wont let me in
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    Same thing is happening to me.

    Very frustrating. I had a lot of time and energy invested and now I'm missing out on rewards.

    I do see my guild (the guild that I created and am the leader of) in the "ally guild" list. My officer is listed as leader.
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    Mikey, it's Taim from Old Empire, we're trying to figure out how to help. I'd say don't go starting a new guild for now, we'll figure out how to get you back!
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    what the chaw smalls, i work my **** off to pay, play. 2800 crystals wasted for guild activities, for a guild i created. EA SAID NO REFUND FOR IN GAME spending, no fix, still cannot join. lets see if i can get a response if i post this 1000 times. seriously i feel cheated
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    I'm so sorry, Mikey! We want you back! Some random guy was assigned leader to YOUR guild now, and we are all very upset! (Not at the guy, it's not his fault, but he doesn't seem active, so we can't even talk to him to relinquish his leadership). I hope they're going to fix this issue soon, because we need you back! It seems to be happening all over the place, the founders getting kicked out of their own guilds. I feel terrible for all of you!
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    For those having this issue, can you share some screens and your ally code so we can see what you are seeing as well as look at your account? Screens needed include the Guild page, roster, etc.

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    My player name is W0LF and I have numerous messages into EA and they state they are working on a fix to get guild leaders who were booted put back as guild leader. They need to fix this ASAP as it isn't fair, as all guild leaders who were booted and waiting for resolution are losing points quickly and putting their guilds behind.

    Get the Guild Leaders the game booted back into place ASAP EA.
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