Please clarify, what Arena-Power means ...

1380 posts Member
edited April 2016

since Arena-Power is used for Galactic-War-Matchmaking, i would like to know if 1) its still in use and 2) what YOU understand as "Arena-Power" ... in some extern source, many updates before, we got the info, that it is the highest power of our team used in arena ... Now, with Guild-Update, i just found out, that my "Arena-Power" (if its just the same, shown in guild) is nothing but the sum of the 5 chars having simply the highest power.

Or is it the sum of the current power of the 5 highest characters, ever used in arena (even when you took them long time ago, before upgrading and never used those 5 in 1 team at time) ??

Or simply the sum of the 5 highest chars (highest in power) in your inventory by the time, you made the last arena battle?

Please ... give us suitable informations!

Thanks in advance, b.r.
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