
Since the new update, Teebo's Stealth Takedown no longer consistently removes the turn meter of the enemies attacked when stealthed.


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    Same issue. Noticed it first in Arena - tried a Teebo led team to counter Dooku, and got my team smashed when it didn't remove any TM from Dooku or later from Phasma.
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    It's now subject to tenacity check, like all other harmful actions.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • Nedumay
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    The fun part of playing Teebo was this ability, very annoying just having wasted tons of resources into pimping him up and now he's more or less useless. There was this short time in April where you could actually build fun teams to challenge the dooku squads. I'm deeply disappointed, I think this ability was far from being OP. I hope this is just a bug that gets fixed and not a tenacity issue. I think if the latter were the case we'd get a chance to proc in the skill description.

    Not only the stealth takedown anyway, the stealth ability consistently deactivates after one turn and the basic attack seems buggy as well.
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    Yep, just finished a battle with Teebo as leader. His stealth ended after 1 turn instead of 2, and after that, his leader ability never kicked in the rest of the fight.
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    Experienced the same issues.
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    His first and second skills are both bugged now. I have both skills at level 7, but their turn meters aren't being reduced and he is going stealth for one turn instead of 3. Please fix.
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    I'm using him in INT challenge and I was unpleasently surprised that Teebo - suddenly - stopped affecting Mace's meter.
    I'm going to send official ticket and see what supprt has to say about this.
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    Same issue here - 100% failure to affect turn meter in the challenge on both Mace and every enemy leading up to him. That, on top of his stealth ability wearing off randomly, really cripples this character.
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    Has this been confirmed that it should be tenacity impacted, by the devs?
  • Wadlinq
    100 posts Member

    To build on this, if it does a tenacity check, does this mean it also does a potency check? Because Teebos potency is terrible, 40% at gear IX
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    I just noticed the same thing in the challenge.So basically Teebo is next to useless unless he's in a full squad of ewoks
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    Please do open an official ticket on this (how do you do that??) as it simply should not be the case as tenacity and potency are only in play for chance effects. If he is stealthed, he should remove turn meter if he hits.
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    5olv3ncy wrote: »
    Please do open an official ticket on this (how do you do that??) as it simply should not be the case as tenacity and potency are only in play for chance effects. If he is stealthed, he should remove turn meter if he hits.

    The problem is all TM reductions are subject to the same check now, and can be resisted.
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    5olv3ncy wrote: »
    Please do open an official ticket on this (how do you do that??) as it simply should not be the case as tenacity and potency are only in play for chance effects. If he is stealthed, he should remove turn meter if he hits.

    The problem is all TM reductions are subject to the same check now, and can be resisted.

    The problem then becomes that illogical people are involved in programming and logic as well as writing descriptions of logical events that are incorrect. Curiously, is this the same logic that cause my Elder to not dispel ALL negative status effects?!
  • Tifer
    130 posts Member
    Itkovian wrote: »
    I'm using him in INT challenge and I was unpleasently surprised that Teebo - suddenly - stopped affecting Mace's meter.
    I'm going to send official ticket and see what supprt has to say about this.

    The one time I did that challenge, he was 3 for 3 I think in removing meter.

    I wouldn't say he's "stopped". He just doesn't do it 100% of the time...
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    And just for the sake of the point, I see many posts on the presence of RNG in this game and things like Dooku's dodge chance and I farmed Teebo specifically to develop strategy that wasn't subject to chance. Next, are we to discover that his unavoidable attack can be resisted because the "unavoidable" part is a negative status effect? On this point, I also noticed what appeared to be my ST Han turn meter manipulation getting resisted on a random enemy and this would officially be laughable.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    5olv3ncy wrote: »
    And just for the sake of the point, I see many posts on the presence of RNG in this game and things like Dooku's dodge chance and I farmed Teebo specifically to develop strategy that wasn't subject to chance. Next, are we to discover that his unavoidable attack can be resisted because the "unavoidable" part is a negative status effect? On this point, I also noticed what appeared to be my ST Han turn meter manipulation getting resisted on a random enemy and this would officially be laughable.
    On Han, if it was a TM down resist then yeah it happened.

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    i can certainly understand how Teebo has warranted a review due to how many top teams are using him, especially relative to Rey and Royal Guard.

    On a serious note, it makes absolutely no logical sense that an ability that is neither tied to a chance effect nor considered a debuff is subject to a tenacity and potency check. Furthermore, in some cases his turn meter manipulation already has natural drawbacks as it can, for example, cause a taunter to be taunting the entire match due to the fact it is based on turns.

    Then they went and messed with the way the counter mechanic and stun assist mechanics work without any other balance changes. That counter mechanic alone changes how useful Han is and also makes folks like Lando that much more powerful. Counter as a mechanic just took a huge step into the abyss as it would be mainly used to counter low health, OP characters like Rey and Lando.
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    Same here. Teebo's stealth ability lasts one turn instead of 3. And his turn meter removal is more like 1 in 3 now. It used to be more like 3 in 4. If this was a planned change instead of a bug, they should refund my ability mats back so I can reinvest them in someone else.
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    Excellent points. I actually am fine with the grind--enjoy it just like old school FF1 and Dragon Warrior--but they must realize how morale-depleting the mechanic changes are in such a resource-limited game. Worse still, is having non-mainstream characters become even less viable. Assuming each character takes around the same amount of time to develop etc., I imagine who had the cost-benefit on Ugnaught is fired by now.
  • Spastic
    2 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Grubluck wrote: »
    Same issue here - 100% failure to affect turn meter in the challenge on both Mace and every enemy leading up to him. That, on top of his stealth ability wearing off randomly, really cripples this character.

    Same here
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