Shard shop glitch

I went to log into the shard shop today, the intention was to cash in some extra shards to use towards the long slow grind that is unlocking GG.

It came up with the confirmation screen to ask if I was sure I wanted to cash in those shards. As I was attempting to confirm the choice the game encountered an error that required it to restart.

When I came back in I had no shards to cash in and I didn't notice an increase in my shard shop currency.

I had tech support give me a call and explained the issue to them. The response was that I had filed a false claim and there was nothing they could do.

I told them I wasn't concerned with getting the missing shards back. I'd only lost maybe four character shards anyway. My concern was making sure that the glitch didn't repeat itself in the future.

Tech support responded with. "It won't happen again, because it doesn't happen"

As a customer who has played daily since December and spent their hard earned money on the game this isn't the type of response I enjoy getting from a company I've given my money and time too.


  • Duff_Paddy_69
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I bought a chromium card today as soon as I hit buy the game crashed. I went back to no shards and no crystals :(
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