Regarding Regular Energy Guild Activity Tiers

So, if I haven't gone completely bonkers, to reach the 70,000 total energy spent, it requires a guild of 50 people to pitch in 1,400 Energy to reach the goal. This is a little ridiculous, for reasons which I'll go into below.

Let's start at tonight at the release of arena rewards and the changing of the guild activity. Also, let's pretend that the character we are playing is lvl 70, so his energy cap will be at 129. Starting shortly tonight, as we know, is the galactic war battles, and tomorrow night is the start of Hard Mode energy spending. That means that we don't have any need to spend energy to contribute to the guild activity. Cool. That means we can save energy up until Wednesday at 7 PM. What people I'll assume will do, is make sure their energy cap is reached before taking the free energy at 1 PM to make sure they're as filled as possible. So in this case, this player will have 174 energy to spend going into the start of the event Wednesday night. When 7 PM crosses, the player dumps the energy they have stored, plus the 45 extra energy, totaling to 219. This player should also have saved his energy refreshes for the day, but I'll get into those later. This part of the calculation will be using non-crystal generated energy. From here, 1 energy is collected every 6 minutes, so that's 10 energy per hours. Assuming the player never caps his energy (also pausing his energy generation), he should generate an additional 240 energy, plus the two additional 45+ energy pickups throughout the day. The grand total without buying refreshes is 549 energy. This is a ridiculously low number in comparison.

Now let's add in crystal refreshes. The two 50 crystal refreshes for each day (4 total) will generate 480 energy. Now the total is 1,029. Adding two 100 crystal refreshes for each day (4 total) generates 480 more energy, raising the grand total to 1,509 energy. Thus, to get the amount of energy necessary using this method, at least 47 people must be in guild to reach this value, and 46 of those 47 would need to spend 600 crystals over a two day period to reach the goal.

Let's take this a step further now. I have absolutely no idea what the rewards are at tier 7, but let's just say that the top 20 get about 400 personal guild coins. Those 400 coins can be used to buy 5 shards of whatever character is listed per day. So 2/5ths of the guild is able to buy 5 shards for a certain character after spending 600 crystals to reach the tier 7 reward. In other wards, they spent 600 crystals to get 5 shards for a character, or 120 crystals per shard. In comparison, the Chromium data packs drop 12 or 10 shards per 350 crystals (30 and 35 crystals per shard respectively). The shards at the shipment store drop shards at a rate of 50 crystals per shard.

All in all, not only is it incredibly difficult to reach the 70,000 total energy spent requirement for tier 7, but even if my value of 400 coins is double of what I think it is, the returns of this challenge are nowhere near beneficial enough to be completed on a bi-daily basis. For the whales of this game that use 5 crystal refreshes daily, sure, this will be nothing but beneficial to them. However, to those who occasionally spend money on the crystals, or only use the crystals from Galactic War and the Arena Battles, this number will be impossible to reach, and unrewarding for those who are spending crystals just to reach this value.

I know the argument will be "Well what about all the stuff you get from each battle you sim?" Think about it this way. For those what spend 400+ crystals daily on crystal refreshes daily, it might just give them more incentive to spend crystals on the refreshes. For the rest of players, sure, everyone will get the additional gear, credits, shards, etc. they need/want if they decide to go down this route, and that's their choice. However, if all players want to reach that limit, both whales and f2p, for the sole purpose of reaching that tier, disregarding the extras that come along with it, are wasting precious crystals.

Indirectly, this will create a problem with the guild system itself. This will mean that only whale-exclusive groups will be the only ones able to reach this energy limit every time this daily event occurs. This could very well further segregate the capabilities between f2p and the big spenders not only do the big spenders have yet another way to farm for shards, but the f2p community in some big-spender guilds might be completely removed in order for the whale guilds to achieve the tier 7 reward on a daily basis.

I think I could continue on, but I'm sure the grammar is ****, and I've made enough of a point. Basically all I'm asking is to make it possible to reach for a well diversified guild: a guild with some big-time spenders, some small time spenders, and some completely f2p. With this current reward system, it's totally impossible for this to work to everyone's benefit. Say maybe 40,000 or even 50,000 would be much more acceptable values to shoot for.

TL;DR: 70,000 energy too much. Plz nurf.


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    I agree that many of the guild tiers are exceedingly costly.

    There is definitely a very strong incentive towards melting crystals in order to 'keep up'. It 'feels' terrible and stressful at the level it is. Personally, I don't like that I have to completely shift my habitual SWGoH play times all over the place, keep track of all the timing for all the different types of energy spends, etc. There's already talk of how to get 36 GW wins to push the numbers more.

    It's also breaking the fun and efficiency of farming for specific characters, gears, etc., as now we have to focus on 'light side' only some days, etc. My personal goal was to top off gear on a particular toon for other purposes; however, now, I have to put that goal aside and try to find somewhere I could possibly need a 'light side' gear, for example, to spend energy on. I don't like that. It doesn't feel fun and I feel like I'm spending more to get less progress.

    Personally, I wish they had just had the daily 600 energy thing and that's it. Keep it simple. Keep it fun. Base all the Raid buy-ins around that number. Even in a highly productive guild (as mine is) not everyone will even hit that every day. A more casual F2P guild would most definitely have a harder time.

    I'd feel really bad right now if I was not in as productive a guild as I am as many of the end game rewards would seem 100% unattainable to me.

    I'm not a big fan of the system as it stands.
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    The system I think is cool, but they definitely need some tweaking, at least to the point where people aren't forced to spend money to obtain the Tier 7 rewards. At least it's possible nearly every other day, between galactic war, arena battles, and daily activities. That's the good side. The limitations for the rest are horribly scaled.
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    I'll be satisfied when I don't feel like I'm competing against my guild mates. The Raids will be even worse! 50 people chip in, 10 reap the rewards. It's going to be anarchy once the first team launches a Raid.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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