AI is nothing but cheating every single second

12 posts Member
edited April 2016
I'm done. So-called "20-40% chances of xxxx" becomes almost 100% when AI is activiated. Is this the best definition of "fair play"? Well done EA.


  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I dunno. Last couple times I fought daka and didn't kill her first, she tried to rez but instead completely wasted her turn by healing 4 toons with protection.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    See8ng my guilds performance in GW, I am shocked so many people really can't complete GW....
  • Options
    I have to agree. Phasma AI gets near 100% bonus attacks. Drives me nuts. Got level 68s killing off my level 74s. Frustrating. I put phasma in the lead and I'm lucky to get one bonus. Even it up EA. Can't be that hard to do
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