Keep getting ERROR to restart the game since 2pm (EST) today

I received the message that the client must be reset around 2PM. I did so and ever since, I can't start any challenges, or do any battles ( I dare not try anything else). When I do the battles, it lets me choose it, but then I get the error. If I go back, the (3) battles are still there in Light Battle HARD but it actually took my "12" energy. I did this 4 times before I realized it. That's 12x4=48 wasted. I contacted the EA help via chat and they were no help besides telling me they will look into it and for me to post the BUG here.
I just tried two "8" Cantina battles, & once I hit the battle button, i get the error and it takes away the energy (was 89/133 now I'm 73/133).
So in other words I can't do anything to do my dailies (sure it helps my squad since i've 'spent' energy, but it doesn't help me). Please look into this & am I the ONLY ONE?


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    Decided to turn off my WIFI for the fun of it, and hit restart. The 'WIFI disabled' message says that it needs to download an additional 0 MB? Makes me think something didn't load correctly on that last client update??
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    May have solved my own issue... maybe there was a last 'little piece' that wouldn't download over WIFI, but it did over data? I have been able to get into my challenges and Cantina battle. Now if only I could get my lost energy back???
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