Game closes itself all the time

12 posts Member
I'm on an iPhone, and after last update the game closes itself at least 5-7 times a day. Frustrating when in the middle of a battle - and the energy used in battle counts, but no rewards when I log back in, and in Squad Arena - the max 5 tries counts when I've got 4 players left and the other one got 1 low health left. No win, but it still counts as a try.


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    I'[m having the exact same issues. It's very frustrating.
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    Same problem here. Been happening since a week or two before the update. Seems to be getting/have gotten worse with the update.

    I am on Android (4.4.2). Connected by WIFI.
    Game closes itself during battle - a few times it has given message that client has to restart, but
    most of time it just all of a sudden goes dark and then returns me to Android screen.
    This happens multiple times per day (happened 4 times this AM before I could manage to do one
    time through training droid challenge).

    Seems to happen in any battle (had happen in challenge, in GW, in Arena matches) think it happened in
    regular light/dark side battle. Haven't done a cantina battle recently to check there.

    Haven't noticed other patterns - could be shortly after I launched the game, could be after played a while. Happens with different sets of player characters and different enemies.

    Highly annoying.
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    Yep having same problem. Never used to happen till these updates
  • Enjaycee
    11 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    My game crashes every so often when I try to do a squad arena battle, and it still takes the free battle chance away from me. It's very frustrating especially since those potential matches are your last free daily and it could land you into the next reward tier. I use an iPhone 5s
  • Leefx
    12 posts Member
    stohelit wrote: »
    Same problem here. Been happening since a week or two before the update. Seems to be getting/have gotten worse with the update.

    I am on Android (4.4.2). Connected by WIFI.
    Game closes itself during battle - a few times it has given message that client has to restart, but
    most of time it just all of a sudden goes dark and then returns me to Android screen.
    This happens multiple times per day (happened 4 times this AM before I could manage to do one
    time through training droid challenge).

    Seems to happen in any battle (had happen in challenge, in GW, in Arena matches) think it happened in
    regular light/dark side battle. Haven't done a cantina battle recently to check there.

    Haven't noticed other patterns - could be shortly after I launched the game, could be after played a while. Happens with different sets of player characters and different enemies.

    Highly annoying.

    Yeah, no pattern here.. Happens frequently.. iPhone 5s here.. No message about the client needs a restart, just shuts down
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    ☮ Consular ☮
  • stohelit
    149 posts Member
    Update: Turns out it isn't just in battles that it closes. Happens other places too. I don't see any pattern. Tried clearing cache - did not help.
  • HK47_1974
    65 posts Member
    +1 Mine crashed entering a challenge today. I'm on iOS and it's happened sporadically. Never happened before the last update.
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    you sure it is not because the phone runs out of memory? happens to me often.. I just restart the game every 4 or 5 battles been like this always
  • Leefx
    12 posts Member

    you sure it is not because the phone runs out of memory? happens to me often.. I just restart the game every 4 or 5 battles been like this always

    I bought my phone in January and have used 3/25 GB, so no.. Losing arena tries and normal battle-energy as f*** here.. Just waste
  • Megadeth3700
    1017 posts Member
    This has been happening for over a month. I've lost endless amounts of Arena battles/Shard payout because of this. Very upsetting that this has been common for so long yet nothing has been done, not even an acknowledgment of the issue.
    ☮ Consular ☮
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