Disapyramids - join and get into Gringo Star shows when we come to your town


My name is Josh and my clan, Disapyramids, is looking for some new friends

I am the new guitar player in the Atlanta psyche pop band, Gringo Star (not to be confused with Ringo Deathstarr).

So, Disapyramids needs you and I want to Raid while on tour. If you are a Disapyramids clan member, I will get you on the guest list when we come to your town. We might be touring with bands like The Kills come September, so it could be cool. When our new record comes out in September, we plan on doing N. America-Europe-Austalia, so there is a good chance we will come to your town!

You are our only hope to Raid (and rock) so come join us!

Ally me!


May the Schwartz be with you!
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