Thanks for fixing thermal detonators...but

...they are still completely useless. I've tried running Greedo and Nute with a Lando lead and i suffer
such a loss in Arena ranking it isn't even funny. Too much of a liability defensively.

Detonators need an effect over time to make them more attractive. Offense down, Speed down or a DOT. Plus please fix Nutes potency as well as i don't think i can recall him even landing the blasted thing!


  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    They should not be dodgeable, period.
  • Options
    Dodged maybe. But I think they are "resisted"? As in "a debuff would be applied"?
    Count them as normal attacks and it's fine.
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    I think they should do more damage and blow up after some amount of actions rather than turns, which would counter characters who get many attacks through assists and bonuses. So like it has a two action timer and it's on Dooku so he attacks and the timer is now 1. He then gets the bonus attack and it explodes.
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