Do you think the dodging is getting ridiculous?

4 posts Member
edited April 2016
Especially with Dooku lead.

Do you think the dodging is getting ridiculous? 185 votes

**** yeah
Top_QuarkHitNSmashSongDarkDigglerichotolotVouterpepelestatShadowHoundStarSonBenr3600shampooThunderhead47AlriksterDrakeIXIamTexFAED_EmperorVader_Be_HatinKAULIBrobiWanKenobiHarfoush 124 votes
Just a little bit annoying
GenakumaDarkAdamWMurTelCronozNLLianaraAlmostcoolMegadeth3700InternetSwagHotelBalaxxequigonkennyTau_LambdaRenovatoValent_AntonaAngrybaldmanQleakbboiHanburgerZachman523 32 votes
Mephisto_stylecosmicturtle333speZialiZtUshoCharlesbusaFoojSmithieAwakened1130Boba_The_FetterDaddyngo007JediMindTricksEightysOobydoobJohnnyudesmedetecJedi_DaveGreg1920PrimolandiaApocSikho 29 votes


  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    You should see this Old Ben led team I have to deal with in Arena on a semi daily basis. The dodge is ridiculous.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Darling_Ventress
    376 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I used to think it was, and even posted several times about it, but that was before I realized the special buffs some toons have against others. Particularly, Dooku and Sid against Jedi. Placing Lumi or Ahsoka as leader to Sid can give Sid nearly 50% dodge chance against Jedi. Basically I avoid hitting Sid with Jedi unless I have to. I normally stun him with RG and hit him with others like Ventress, Fives, or IG-86 with assists.

    Aside from them, I have not seen any unusual dodging lately.
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    It's some bull sith
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    It is part of the game metric diversity.

    With that said I would like Dooku to have a more flamboyant waist-line parlay when he dodges. Seeing his little flitterfoot double attack makes me think he needs some more fancy moves to match.
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    **** yeah
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    **** yeah
    I used to think it was, and even posted several times about it, but that was before I realized the special buffs some toons have against others. Particularly, Dooku and Sid against Jedi. Placing Lumi or Ahsoka as leader to Sid can give Sid nearly 50% dodge chance against Jedi. Basically I avoid hitting Sid with Jedi unless I have to. I normally stun him with RG and hit him with others like Ventress, Fives, or IG-86 with assists.

    Aside from them, I have not seen any unusual dodging lately.

    The thing is dooku doesn't have any special dodge boost against only Jedi. he just has a leader ability that gives + 15% evasion and tbh dooku lead teams dodge way to much like every time I face them I expect 6-7 extra dodges and that's way to much from just a 15% boost.
    I got no problem with Sid he dodges just the right amount
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    I love it. I thought Dodge was broken before when hardly any toon did it. I have had to examine all potential leaders' abilities.

    Kicking in and out of Auto to optimize time in the arena has been a blast. It has brought an exciting element to the game otherwise missing.
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    I had the Rancor pit door dodge an attack today. Ha ha I laughed it off but it was silly. I would have been better if it just said "you missed" but instead the door controls "dodged" my attack.
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    **** yeah
    The AI dodge is ridiculous.
    I would have no issue is the chances of dodging were fair to both player and AI.
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    **** yeah
    Yeah, even the door control panel in the pit dodges hahahaha (true story).
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Akita10454 wrote: »
    I used to think it was, and even posted several times about it, but that was before I realized the special buffs some toons have against others. Particularly, Dooku and Sid against Jedi. Placing Lumi or Ahsoka as leader to Sid can give Sid nearly 50% dodge chance against Jedi. Basically I avoid hitting Sid with Jedi unless I have to. I normally stun him with RG and hit him with others like Ventress, Fives, or IG-86 with assists.

    Aside from them, I have not seen any unusual dodging lately.

    The thing is dooku doesn't have any special dodge boost against only Jedi. he just has a leader ability that gives + 15% evasion and tbh dooku lead teams dodge way to much like every time I face them I expect 6-7 extra dodges and that's way to much from just a 15% boost.
    I got no problem with Sid he dodges just the right amount

    6-7 dodges is pretty reasonable. Base dodge is 7.5, plus 15 is 22.5. So more than 1 per round. Add in all the assist attacks and a 30 attack battle is reasonably common.
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    Just a little bit annoying
    Dodging is the only semi reliable AI defence.
    If AI got smarter on defence, then maybe dodge could be lowered a bit.
    It doesn't bother me at all in the arena, I lead with and attack Dooku teams and have no issues. It is a bit annoying in GW.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
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    I never understand the complaints about this. I never have that big of a problem with dookus dodging, or his team dodging when he's in the lead. I have WAY more problem with

    1) dooku's **** stun, especially the double stun.
    2) Sid or Lumi dodging. Especially sid with Lumi lead. Seems like thats 20 times worse than any Dooku-lead dodge I've ever had to deal with
  • IamTex
    44 posts Member
    **** yeah
    I'd like to see dodge cut in half across the board. Every character, cut the dodge rate in half.

    (Notes: I don't have Dooku, which may give me a bit of a bias. But Lumi is one of my primary leads, and I also use Sid exclusively. So my characters do plenty of dodging)
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    **** yeah
    It's crazy when your team is at like 10% and enemy Dooku is on fumes.
    Your team misses all their last attempts with Dooku dodges.
    Then Dooku retaliates with counter attack like 5 times in one turn and wipes ur team.
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    Just a little bit annoying
    its annoying. But it's far less annoying than the recent updates. I still hate Arena though.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    **** yeah
    It's obnoxious, but what's worse than that is the frequency makes it incredibly boring, particularly in GW. I quit doing GW on a regular basis and much of that reason has to do with just being bored and tired of battles in which the AI reliably dodges way too much.
  • Sir_Whooty
    518 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Just a little bit annoying
    RNG, but when a toon dodges 8-9 attacks in a row I start to call shenanigans on that +12-15% evasion.
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    Sir_Whooty wrote: »
    RNG, but when a toon dodges 8-9 attacks in a row I start to call shenanigans on that +12-15% evasion.

    Just had two consecutive battles where a character dodged me 5+ times in row
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    **** yeah
    it's annpying when you are defeated due to bad rng. Yesterday i have ridicolous match against team led by dooku, all 5 of enemy toons dodge phasma aoe and guess what is the best part? all of them get free offensive up
    TNR Rey of Hope, Heroic Raid 36/50
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    **** yeah
    Its beyond absurd. It is way way above the 15% advertised. Most toons have 0 dodge rate in their stats but somehow dodge is spammed all the time.

    Stop the slot machine its no fun otherwise i would go to vegas
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    **** yeah

    The thing is dooku doesn't have any special dodge boost against only Jedi. he just has a leader ability that gives + 15% evasion and tbh dooku lead teams dodge way to much like every time I face them I expect 6-7 extra dodges and that's way to much from just a 15% boost.
    I got no problem with Sid he dodges just the right amount [/quote]

    6-7 dodges is pretty reasonable. Base dodge is 7.5, plus 15 is 22.5. So more than 1 per round. Add in all the assist attacks and a 30 attack battle is reasonably common.[/quote]

    I didn't say only 6-7 dodges I said 6-7 dodges added onto the already normal amount of dodges. So if I have a 5 round battle I can expect a dooku lead team to dodge anywhere from 10-12 dodges and that's pretty ridiculous especially when one character dodges five in a row.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Nope lol :D
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    **** yeah
    The major issue i have with it is that stunned characters should not be allowed to dodge. Thats just ****.
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    No dodge doesn't bother me at all. I don't see it as much as everyone else does. I don't know why because I don't run any special characters four of which are in G9 gear. But when I do see dodge it doesn't decide if I lose cause I normally run with Lumi,Daka and Baris for heals. So even if the AI does dodge a special attack and drops my health into the red I have healers that allow me to go several turns before I'd even be dead. I can see why it would be a problem for some if they use an all droid team with no healer but then again a team like that only has itself to blame.
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    Thought there was a megathread for this.
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    Just a little bit annoying
    I wish I could farm Cad Bane to see how ridiculous a scoundrel team would be with him leading.
  • Kurki
    50 posts Member
    **** yeah
    Dodge as an RNG element has no place in a turn based game where missing a on single attack often decides an encounter. I would replace the dodge mechanic with a "glancing blow" feature, which results in an ineffective Attack that deals various degrees of reduced damage.
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    **** yeah
    Imagine if you were playing chess. Using a brilliant stratagem, your Queen is in place to take the opposing Queen and put the King in check. You make your move.

    But no! The opposing Queen suddenly dodges! You've wasted your move and opportunity! The opposing Bishop now attacks six times in a row! Checkmate, you lose.

    That's not fun. That's making everything a roll of the dice. Please, Devs, reconsider the dodging.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Akita10454 wrote: »
    The thing is dooku doesn't have any special dodge boost against only Jedi. he just has a leader ability that gives + 15% evasion and tbh dooku lead teams dodge way to much like every time I face them I expect 6-7 extra dodges and that's way to much from just a 15% boost.
    I got no problem with Sid he dodges just the right amount

    6-7 dodges is pretty reasonable. Base dodge is 7.5, plus 15 is 22.5. So more than 1 per round. Add in all the assist attacks and a 30 attack battle is reasonably common.[/quote]

    I didn't say only 6-7 dodges I said 6-7 dodges added onto the already normal amount of dodges. So if I have a 5 round battle I can expect a dooku lead team to dodge anywhere from 10-12 dodges and that's pretty ridiculous especially when one character dodges five in a row.

    In a 5 round battle if you had 12 dodges it's unlikely the battle is over.
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