Strange ability block bug - daka healing while AB'ed

So 3 times now I've witnessed Old Daka using her revive heal ability while ability blocked. And no, I'm not an **** I realize she has a passive that revives characters.

Now I'm not 100% sure what the cause of this bug is but I've narrowed it to 3 possibilities
1. Daka's ability is bugged and she is able to use it while ability blocked
2. Poggle's basic attack, when upgraded to level 8, inflicts a pseudo ability block which only actually ability blocks for the first turn, but remains visible above the character's head on the second turn. I think this is most likely because I've only noticed this happening since I upgraded his basic.
3. IG-88's Rapid Fire ability, which is intended to inflict ability block for 1 turn, is somehow either inflicting a pseudo ability block which doesn't prevent them from using abilities, or it is somehow interacting with poggle's 2 turn ability block in a way that the target ends up not being ability blocked.

I havent tested this enough because I don't always face daka teams and when I do I'm normally ability blocking a different toon like QGJ, but im posting here because I know yall have better opportunity to test things like this and figure out what's causing this.


  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member
    This is happening on all th healers. I reported a bug previously that stated the same thing with Lumi and JC
  • Options
    Interesting, can you tell me how the ability block came up? Was it also from an IG-88 aoe, or was it maybe from poggle's lvl 8 basic? Or is it just in general with all ability blocks?
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