Guild credit

I don't think the guild awards are very fairly given. Today's challenge for instance is to get so much energy spent on dark side games. I have over 850 as a contribution, the highest in the guild and I'll be awarded only 69 guild credits. The lowest person on the team has 61 as his contribution and is getting 60 guild credits. What's the point in wasting so much time and energy and if we're being honest here crystals to do more battles, if I get only 9 more credits than someone doing not even an eighth of my work??? The same can be said for how much the guild earns as a whole, especially when you consider how much it costs to even start a raid. 30,000 credits for the first tier challenge? We are just now halfway there, with me and my 3 officers doing most of the work, it's just so unbalanced. It needs adjusted. At the very least give me 10% of what I'm doing so I have 85 credits personally, or give the #1 person contributing to the team a bonus.


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    Correction: the guy has contributed 60 dark side energy and is getting 61 credits... so it's actually worse. He's getting more than he even put into it.
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    It's a team effort, you have to get in the higher tiers to get better rewards. So everyone will have to contribute to the guild. I'm at #38 at the moment and I will receive 206 currency because we reached tier V. By the end of the day this will be tier 6-7 and I will receive even more. So work together, if you're the leader tell your members what they should do to contribute.
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    I understand it's a team effort but for your own personal contributions you should get rewarded. Just because you reach the next tier doesn't mean you were fairly rewarded it just moved EVERYONE up a notch at a time. It's still very unbalanced.
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