A new game in town

There's a new game at the Cantina called (Hog Wars).the reason for the name is because most is the squad leaders are horders of large amount of credits,gears and now they rule their squads telling them what they want to do and when the rest of the squads have no say in the matter.if this were a real war most of your squad would either pull a mutiny or just defect. You see your a whole team and the team should have some say in the matter of which battle they should try. I'm not saying that their way should be honored all the time but you should give in once in a while and stop acting like hogs and then overtime the lesser ones will have a chance to grow and then you will become a stronger team. All of you not just a few but all of the team.Also your team could be likened to a flower. You have to cullivate the ground which you did when you let them on the team. You have to water the flower in order to make it grow so to with your team shower it with the potential of getting its fair share of credits so that it can grow. Last giving a flower light so it can make energy and continue to grow .im saying when your team does good and pulls behind you put a little lime light on them telling them that they did a good job and a little pat on the back goes a long way. And just remember this there is no I in the word team you all have to make it work not one person not ten people but all 50 giving 100 percent and that is only how you are going to succeed. So if you want to continue to be a space hog so be it one day you will find yourself with half or maybe no team at all.the decision is yours and I feel that those who just came aboard feel the same way I do.just give them a chance to succeed with you and you'll all win in the end.


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