Guild leaders

You r there so many **** guild ppl been kicked from 2 guilds today the one was only in for 5 mins the other is was in since launch of guilds I play everyday contribute constantly have a large army of 5 star and up toons and with the terrible chat system u can't even ask y


  • Options
    Welcoming new members level 70+
    Guild Challenges completed daily is a must.
    We need 35 more members, and the 15 members so far are on top of things.
    Majority of members are in the top 1-200 of Battle Arena (one of our members did hit 1st place yesterday).

    Most of us are ex-members of a dysfunctional guild and decided to break off to form our own guild, in the hopes to build a fully functional guild to complete all raids.
    We use LINE chat app for notifications of raid times and strategies.
    The name of the guild is...
    Bounty Raiders Guild
    My ally code is 231-614-521 (Bossman)
  • Pal_Patine
    17 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Jabbas rancwhores is recruiting dont care what lvl u are as long as u contribute you wont get kicked ally code 635422837
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