How much do you rely on Power Rating?

11 posts Member
I tend to go with whatever 5 characters have the highest power rating in any given scenario but occasionally, I will sub in someone else just because I like them better or "feel" like they generally perform better despite having a lower power rating.

How much do you rely on the Power Rating and feel that it adequately represents a character's abilities?


  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Not at all. Power rating has no bearing on a character's effectiveness.
  • Options
    Yeah Bariss has bad rating but is one of the best Jedi leaders in the game. Same with a lot of the Jedi. Aayla comes to mind. I've got her at 3* but she's still better overall than my 7* Eath Koth.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    I don't even look at it, have no idea what my current team's power is. I build based on synergy and what I want each toon's role to be on the squad.
  • Nos402
    11 posts Member
    Wow, this is really interesting. So far I'm the only one who uses this stat and yet it seems to have worked out great for me! Weird.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Nos402 wrote: »
    Wow, this is really interesting. So far I'm the only one who uses this stat and yet it seems to have worked out great for me! Weird.

    That's cool. What kind of team do you run and where do you rank?
  • Nos402
    11 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Nos402 wrote: »
    Wow, this is really interesting. So far I'm the only one who uses this stat and yet it seems to have worked out great for me! Weird.

    That's cool. What kind of team do you run and where do you rank?

    I'm usually in the 300s for Arena (which I don't really care about) but complete the Galactic War (usually fairly easily, with occasional days of screaming profanities) and all dailies every day.

    My main "neutral" team is 7 star/75 Lvl/Gear VIII Barris (Leader), 7/75/VIII Luminara, 7/75/VIII Jedi Consular. 7/75/VII Sidious, 6/75/VIII Mace (just recently rotated in after his 6th star made him my 4th most "powerful").

    If I'm having trouble I might take Sidious out and add in 7/75/VII Phasma, 7/75/VII Kylo, or 7/75/VII HK-47 (rarely).

    Or sometimes if I'm having trouble on a GW node I'll change the Leader to 6/75/VII Qui-gon and take out Sidious.

    I also really like Rey but right now she's only 4/75/VII. Got both IGs getting up there as well as Royal Guard and Teebo for some of the challenges. Working Dooku up as well, as he tends to REALLY annoy me in the GW when I'm against him. Tons of others slowly coming up too to experiment with.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    For GW at least your squad is mostly Jedi, I'd drop Sid, make Barriss or Lumi lead (depending on how you have their abilities leveled) or the very least QGJ lead and run it that way. If you have a 4-star Rey, she might be useful since she's at gear 7 and has some protection at least. She'll be squishy, but if you're ranked in the 300's your GW shouldn't be horrible. Kylo isn't a bad option for replacing Mace and doesn't fall victim to Sid's crazy dodge rate against Jedi. Your Kylo should have decent health and protection too.
  • Nos402
    11 posts Member
    For GW at least your squad is mostly Jedi, I'd drop Sid, make Barriss or Lumi lead (depending on how you have their abilities leveled) or the very least QGJ lead and run it that way. If you have a 4-star Rey, she might be useful since she's at gear 7 and has some protection at least. She'll be squishy, but if you're ranked in the 300's your GW shouldn't be horrible. Kylo isn't a bad option for replacing Mace and doesn't fall victim to Sid's crazy dodge rate against Jedi. Your Kylo should have decent health and protection too.

    Sid's heal block and the fact he heals every time someone dies has come in pretty handy though!
  • Nos402
    11 posts Member
    Oh, and all mentioned character have abilities maxed or almost maxed for the current level.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Nos402 wrote: »
    For GW at least your squad is mostly Jedi, I'd drop Sid, make Barriss or Lumi lead (depending on how you have their abilities leveled) or the very least QGJ lead and run it that way. If you have a 4-star Rey, she might be useful since she's at gear 7 and has some protection at least. She'll be squishy, but if you're ranked in the 300's your GW shouldn't be horrible. Kylo isn't a bad option for replacing Mace and doesn't fall victim to Sid's crazy dodge rate against Jedi. Your Kylo should have decent health and protection too.

    Sid's heal block and the fact he heals every time someone dies has come in pretty handy though!

    Yeah it is a pain in the butt sometimes. Luckily Barriss can heal through it and even dispel at times. If you're 100% Jedi it makes it very hard to deal with Sid. My GW team is mostly Jedi too but I keep in my Rey for that burst damage and because Sid is still very prominent in GW for some reason.
  • JJWZP5
    440 posts Member
    I personally don't look at power rating. It's not informative. The other teams character composition and gear level are better
  • Options
    If I looked at power rating I would be using a Poggle in stead of Rey, who is the mvp of my arena team. It's a generally pointless thing to look at.
  • MrWag
    38 posts Member
    IMO once you get to certain level, team composition and abilities that complement your squad trump over power.
  • Options
    Power rating means nothing. Rey is under powered in the rating because of low hp. Yet I can take down people with 3-4K more "power" because toons like RG and Ben are massive power but no DPS.
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