Grand Moff Tarkin Potency Buff

So I'm experimenting with an Empire squad and got Tarkin to 6 stars level 7 gear. He's an interesting character but his Intimidation Tactics which inflicts offense down is pretty weak because he has nearly no potency (9%). Due to this most enemies resist this special and I may be lucky to land one enemy.

This becomes a problem against a Dooku lead because this attack ends up giving Dooku and his team mates a free offense up pretty much. When the CPU is in charge of my Tarkin it is most likely using Intimidation Tactics even though its useless and sometimes helps the enemy. I personally avoid using the special which is sad.

If there is a possibility to raise Tarkin's potency that would be great. Probably don't need to be on Old Ben's level of potency but at least put potency to a level where the special works more often than it does now. Since Tarkin is pretty squishy in terms of health this should not make him overpowered and this is a good balance to keep this potential potency buff in check.
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