IG 100

86 posts Member
I have been leveling this guy up because i plan on a team dedicated to high health and survivability in the arena. My guild thinks this as a whole is a terrible idea cause its all in the offensive teams...i personally feel there is more than 1 way to be competitive, and i am hoping for a way that lets me keep the rank i attain.

Anyway me early plans are:
  • Ben(L) - Dodge, and some turn manipulation when dodging
  • RG - auto taunt
  • Fives - Counter, and assist
  • Barriss - Heals
  • IG 100 - Counter

Now my guild realllly hates the idea of 100, no one has him geared or leveldbut they all claim he is very bad. Does anyone have any expierience to back that up? One way or another i would like to know.

My alternate picks for that last slot when I was coming up with ideas were:
  • Nightsister initiate
  • FO Stormtrooper
  • Teebo
  • Vader
  • Kylo Ren
  • Savage
  • ST Han
  • MagmaTrooper

Each had advantages but 100 won due to his counter attack and getting stronger if not attacked, FOSt and Nightsister were close due to being very high health, actually if you look the top 6 health ppl are: ben, rg, fives, barriss, fost and nightsister

The rest of my shortlist are still pretty high in health but ya... i gave up on vader due to not being able to count on smart use of his abilities, teebo i really considered for turn manipulation, Same with magma and han, however han, magma, and savage all are getting pretty low in healthpool comparitivly. Kylo looks good but for some reason I just dont like the guy lol.

Anyway does anyone have any expieience with 100? If so how is he.... and in your opinions with my goal for the team would i be better off going with someone else? Initiate or fost for example?


PS gam guard is not on the list i checked so he potentially is up there in health too, but i have no way of knowing yet.


  • Egor
    86 posts Member
    Btw i am tired so forgive me for the spelling lol
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    Also looking at 100. he seems strong since the buff. However I would replace at least one toon in your lineup for dps. The damage output is too low in that team and rey/lea/gs will most likely tear through that team. You just have high health which is not enough imo. You will need synergy and/or damage to make it work
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    I'd probably run Phasma (L) insteand of Old Ben.
    Savage might be better than 100, and I don't think a taunter is necessary. RG will be targeted first probably.
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    I have ig100 at level 70 6*, close to 7*. Gear VIII but close to gear IX. I'm planning on using him with the other droids. Atm he isn't very impressive, I'm hoping it will change with some more levels and gear. The number 2 on my leaderboard is using him with Dooku (L). Fives, Kylo Ig100, RG all gear IX and some omega mats in there as well. Tough team to beat with all the counters, dodges and crazy HP.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    I have 7* ig-100 gear 8 he is totally under-rated...although he doesn't do as much dmg as other droids. He is a total tank-beast and takes more punishment than RG. His aoe with hk lead gives him 3 atks in a row. His crits hit 6k maybe...avg at 2500-3500. If he could taunt everyone would want him. Key is getting grevious to taunt him...win almost guaranteed if grevious taunts ig-100.
  • Egor
    86 posts Member
    Thanks for the help guys.... two other questions for ya... now that you know the overall theme im aimin for toughness over glass cannons

    Easy one first...how is initiate? Ive seen she is missing something but again id like to hear from someone who knows... i could get her via tokens and just 7 starred luminara so i need to pick someone.

    The other squad that intrigues me, maybe not for arena but just to play with is ewok only, plus maybe rg or han ... would this squad be heavily dependent on stars? Again i could get teebo via gw tokens and elder, and scout dont have many nodes so can pick away at is as they wont add many hards beyond the rg and barriss that im currently farming

    But the chief comes from cantina nodes....already have 100, ben, and need to finisgh off gs eventually from there...so would n ewok squad justify delaying those 3 to just get his initial form....ill max ben and 100 before i max anyone else there but just curious if it is worth it.

    Anyway thanks again guys....lol want so many guys and such limited resources

  • soneill73
    202 posts Member
    @Egor, I don't think IG-100 is such a bad idea. People are so stuck on using the same boring characters that it is really refreshing to hear you want to try something else. I'm farming him myself right now, 39 shards away from 7*, mainly because I'm thinking of playing around with an all droid team at some point, but grievous is so darned hard to collect. With the metas changing monthly under-rated characters like this guy will probably become more popular. Good luck.
  • AzurAzai
    38 posts Member
    I've actually done a thread to find out if he was worth the time/effort in the long run. after quite a heated discussion came to the conclusion no one has a fully maxed version of him yet so is hard to tell, but after a few screenshots from other players I've actually decided to give him a go and he is now may 4th (haha star wars joke) strongest character in regards of power, but it does depend on who you have him with.

    for example, I only have 5 tanks (Jedi Knight Guardian, RG, FOST, Plo Koon and CW Chewie) and he works really well in the Mace Windu (INT) challenge as he gets ignored due to the 2 taunt characters and with RG he does incredible damage, plus he attacks twice per round due to his speed increase and his counter chance is incredibly handy (there have been situations where IG-100 took out Mace on his own due to getting like 4 attacks in a row before Mace could attack). HOWEVER, when I use him in GW and Cantina Battles he doesn't perform anywhere near to that standard. I think this may be soully due to the squad I run with in them are all force users, but from what I've heard he is phenominal in a droid team (either HK-47 or Poggle as leader).

    I will post a screenshot of my IG-100 when I get home from work so you can see his potential.

    Unfortunately I don't have any of the other characters you wanted comparrisons for but hopefully this is insightful.

    link to the thread is below if you want to have a gander.

  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    As stated above i have a 7* gear lvl 8 ig-100 (6000+power) he is solid defense, moreso than RG minus the glitched tuant. The counter makes up for that and when counter dont counter he gets speedup/offenseup. His aoe almost always gives 2nd attack since it grants turn meter if it misses and turn meter when it crits (hk lead) and sometimes he gets 3,4 even 5 attacks consecutivley with aoe/counters. His biggest con is his low attack. However when grevious makes him taunt...you smile. 100 is one of my favs because he can turn battle in your favor, however he is inconsistent in this.

    i typically run a full 7* hk/86/88/100/daka squad that stays above 50 in pvp. With my 5* grevious i can get into top 20 but full droid squad is rare and i get attacked by everyone who wants to see what they can do... overall 100 is all bawls and worth it.
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    im farming ig 100 now.. I also noticed no one really seems to have him highly leveled and geared so i decided to try him out. good to see some nice reviews here
  • Taramel
    601 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I have a 7* geare IX 75 IG-100... in arena... no.. just no.. the odds of GG taunting on him are slim, and thats of course IF you have GG. putting him on a droid team means you have to drop someone more valuable.. like RG? no way, since then 86 and 88 are dead, poggle? well there goes your main DPS booster.. so while fun to play he is by no means a great or even good char. I give him a Meh raiting.

    Edit: also all level 7 abilities
  • Roo2
    9 posts Member
    I like him since the buff. Personally I think he needs HK leader to really shine. His special is awesome with HK, even better against Jedi obviously.

    He's definitely tanky and the counter comes in handy too. I feel like he'd be a bit too slow/weak without HK compared some of your other options but definitely a contender among the tanks.
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    I'm building a tank team with him. He's gonna be sweet
  • Egor
    86 posts Member
    Ya i will definitly at least lvl and gear him, nightsister has been gaining more of my attention too... from what i hear her offense is decent too, so who i will end up with is unclear but i want to test a few lesser used guys and see what works the best
  • JJWZP5
    440 posts Member
    I've seen 100 on a few top 20 droid teams. I would def recommend replacing Barris, too. She simply isn't going to be a threat to the people challenging you. + AI isn't good at using healers
  • Egor
    86 posts Member
    Oh? I had thought with her big heals it would drag the matches out more, and dragging the match out works in my favor at least when defending.
  • HaloWars29
    279 posts Member
    There's someone on my server that actually has an effective high health team. He uses Dooku lead, IG 100, Teebo, NS, and Leia. Basically Leia goes stealth from the start of the battle, and just slowly burns through your guys while all you have left to attack is a bunch of tanks. Teebo also had a ability that removes boosts such as taunts, so it does well against RG and Han squads. You can easily replace Dooku with Old Ben, and NS with Fives, but leia might be hard to replace.
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    I fought a HK-47 lead droid team, with IG 86, 100, magna guard and poggle. It was pretty tough. All were 7 starred. IG 100 is good with HK47 with leader ability. He makes up for bad speed by getting turn meter from his aoe or counters. He always had speed up aswell. His basic inflicts offense down which is good. I'd say his basic attack did around 2 -3k with offense up. But outside of a droid team, I don't see him being as much of a threat. But on that droid team he's very underrated and very dangerous. I think since you're gonna have a high hp dodge team you should go with savage instead or, a damage dealer, since your team is kinda lacking that. Magna guard needs droids to really shine.
  • Egor
    86 posts Member
    Im gonna lvl and star him, i may not use him however.... i pretty much know my plan going forward.... im gonna 7 star rg and barriss from ds/ls missions till i open up cantinas anyway... from cantina im working on 100 and ben, gonna 7 star both. From the redeeming systems im maxxing fives, han, and teebo, then i will move on to savage, and nightsister initiate. When i can ill also add fost and 1 or 2 others that im curious about. Ill be limited at first to the high health players but as i progress i will have a lot of flexibility to swap ppl when buffs occur etc. Im gonna stay the course and find what high health team is the best though.

    My only detour is happening now cause im getting the initial 50 shards of chirpa... not gonna max him but i like the lil fuzzy ewoks so first few gw missions im gonna play an ewok team lol... but ya after that detour ill be back to 100 and ben :)

    Ill keep ppl updated how these guys are in a high health squad but itll be slow progress cause im mostly f2p with occasional google play gift cards thrown in
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    His debuff offense down and counterattack can help to tame rey, and his AOE can finish toons that are just barely hanging on.

    Ig100 is a bit of a liability against ST Han, like any low damage counterattacker.

    Ig100 is viable at 5 stars and g8. Health like a 7s g8 phasma. He hits for 2-3K crit, and crits for 1.5-2K on his AOE. His O Down lands about 50% of the time, so far. It works on Raid bosses, too, up to tier 4, anyway.

    The TM on his AOE doesn't seem to land very often for me.

    Adding him to the team has created a lot of much longer matches with interesting finishes, anyway. I wouldn't say he is greatly improving nor greatly hurting my squad, subbing him in for a glass cannon. It's just a tradeoff of DPS or debuff/counterattack/high health. And his AOE is not so low it's useless, anyhow. I may have dropped a couple extra ranks, simply because of the novelty of my team and the low power ranking (have a couple low star toons on there, yet). But he looks to be viable. Especially on a time-sinking tanky Arena defense team.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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