Posts I've commented in

45 posts Member
How do you know If somebody has replied? I can't even remember which one it was


  • Options
    i generally just look for the warning in my inbox. :p
  • Daenion
    91 posts Member
    you can click on your name top right and select replies. that should show you which threads you have been participating and you can scroll down to find the particular one you are looking for
  • Zteag_92
    45 posts Member
    i generally just look for the warning in my inbox. :p

    Yes if they reply with my name directly. I'm talking more people that comment after me not specifically @me.
    Daenion wrote: »
    you can click on your name top right and select replies. that should show you which threads you have been participating and you can scroll down to find the particular one you are looking for

    Thank you!
  • Nerfherder17
    2094 posts Member
    i meant the warning that you have said something offensive.
  • Zteag_92
    45 posts Member
    Lol. Oh. Guess I'll have that coming as I just was **** in in a new post. Seriously annoying. Dodging while stunned and than in the battle I was just in opponents Lumi hit my Dooku, Dooku counters and stuns and gains a bonus attack. After the bonus Lumi is suddenly not stunned? These bugs are extremely irritating and it seems they have no intention in fixing anything until they hit a quota of like $50,000/mth or some ****. Some of the dumbest developers. You would think they would understand if they make this game right it can last many years. The way they're screwing it up it won't last 1
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