Commando Droid Diplomat AI bug

5076 posts Member
The AI for the CDD has a very serious bug.

It's cropping up most frequently for me in the AGI challenge, b/c that's where I see the CDD most, but don't think it's limited to that.

I don't know what the CDD's powers are, exactly, but the thing frequently taps some buttons on its wrist, goes stealth, then next turn taps buttons and goes stealth again.

It's not healing when it does this - frequently it's at the start of the NightSister battles in the Challenge when I focus on them because they are the ones that actually hurt me. It never seems to heal anyone else. There's just an effect like the Star Trek transporter while the stealth droid goes stealth again, and nothing else seems to change. Occasionally it shoots a blaster at me, but at least 3 out of 4 actions consist of going stealth, with no other obvious effects. Since it does this when already stealth, and since when it occasionally fires a blaster it doesn't lose stealth, it's clear that at least some of these are completely wasted actions unless there's some benefit that doesn't show up as damage or a status effect or healing or something else that would be visible and that I can see isn't there. I haven't looked for a turn-meter bump, but even if it does get one from the same action as going stealth, getting yourself a turn-meter bump so you can get your next turn-meter bump sooner is an endless race to nowhere.

You're probably not getting many complaints b/c no one can play the CDD and so no one is disappointed in having their toon nerfed by bad AI when playing on Auto or in Arena defense. And most people don't mind it when the enemy acts dumb and makes winning easier.
But really, this is bad. You need to fix it.
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