Looking for a New Guild

I'm a daily player who was invited to a guild when they began. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the majority of the players are French and so the times are out of sync. Also, most of the members aren't active.

Here are my stats:

Level 77 Player
Generate 600 Energy every day
Consistently below 200 in Squad Battles

Looking for a guild that is active. Speaks English and preferably CST or EST time zone.

If you're interested, let me know.


  • JonVaper
    739 posts Member
    hi we have a new guild most are level 77-78 doing tier 5 without refreshes if you give me your ally code i can get you in we still have a few spots left we are all on discord but it isn't a requirment
    I'm a daily player who was invited to a guild when they began. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the majority of the players are French and so the times are out of sync. Also, most of the members aren't active.

    Here are my stats:

    Level 77 Player
    Generate 600 Energy every day
    Consistently below 200 in Squad Battles

    Looking for a guild that is active. Speaks English and preferably CST or EST time zone.

    If you're interested, let me know.
  • TheJanitor
    203 posts Member
    Check out the Slugs. We have our own website, and are very active in chat. Joining the All Slug Band is optional.

  • Options
    Hello, I'd like to add Sith Lords to the list of these other fine offers. Sith Lords had an active player base with the majority of players 75 and above. We make maximum contributions and raid tier 5 with plans on tier 6 and above at 80. We are a mature, friendly and fair guild. We don't only recruit p2w players. We just ask you give a fair contribution to raid and raid coins. We are an English based guild with the majority of players in est time zone. We are currently in a tier 5 raid as well, if that entices you to join! ;) I think you'd be a great addition to our already active and strong roster! If interested add my code at 357 773 269. Good luck to you!
  • SithLordsRevan
    150 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Oh and our members are 200 and below in squad arena and typically me and a few others are top 50 when we don't get overdozed or we spend our squad arena early in the day.
  • SithStu
    52 posts Member
    Hey man! Got a growing guild called Black Sun Rising. We are active players with an active discord community if you want to chat with us. Our reset time is CST so I think that would work out for you. Message me if you are interested.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    I'm a daily player who was invited to a guild when they began. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the majority of the players are French and so the times are out of sync. Also, most of the members aren't active.

    Here are my stats:

    Level 77 Player
    Generate 600 Energy every day
    Consistently below 200 in Squad Battles

    Looking for a guild that is active. Speaks English and preferably CST or EST time zone.

    If you're interested, let me know.

    Hey buddy, I have a full Guild nearly full and active. We all speak English and our Guild is in Asia timezone so the Rancor character will reset about 11am EST.

    Also we currently have a T6 active at the moment
  • TomBom
    38 posts Member
    hey. i'm an officer of 'Crazy 88'. We are very active in game chat and on 'line' app. We have many high level players and are raiding tier 6 ATM, he's down at the next refresh. We are very active with guild quests ( mostly rank 6). Our guild have american and european members mainly. If you are interested contact us:
    Yourwinner ('line') ally id 213-248-988
    LordHelmchen ('line') ally id 592-761-494

    Only one place left in our guild! ;)
  • Options
    Thanks everyone! I found a guild and it seems to be working out. It's small but growing.
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