Since someone brought up Skins...

5134 posts Member
It may well be too ridiculous to make all the characters customizable...particularly since so many of them are already so widespread at such high-levels, having people go back and replace a piece of gear from 3 gear-Tiers ago would just be unworkable.

But there's no reason you couldn't have ONE character that you open with special "custom character" shards. You get to name it, and when people are looking at your Arena team, they show that name.

EITHER: there is only ONE set of custom character shards, and when you activate the character you choose a faction and a class, which then determined a small range of choices - 2 or 3 pieces of gear at each level might be filled with your choice of 2 or 3 different things, so you can focus on Potency if you want, while others focus on damage, etc.

OR there is ONE set of custom character shards for each faction, allowing you to potentially create an entire team of custom-characters...but it's harder to get the Sith & Jedi shards than the Scoundrel and NS shards, or whatever. When you activate your character, you already know its faction, but you do get to choose its class. At that point, just like above, you have some gear that is mandatory, but 2-3 pieces per Tier have 2-3 choices each (if only 2 slots are customizable, each should have 3 choices, I'd still like 3 choices if 3 slots are customizable, but would settle for 2 choices).

You get a basic attack that does nothing but damage. When you raise it with ability mats the first time, you get to pick from 2 or 3 different choices based on your Faction/Class combo. Once set, your basic attack has 2 upgrade paths: one gives better damage boosts, the other gives better potency or bonus effects, etc. Which upgrade path you take is based on your choice when you upgrade with ability mats the 2nd time.

Each character has a special: Attackers get a choice of strong damage + special effect OR AoE damage plus a more minor special effect, or a good special effect that targets only one faction (like the Jawa stunning Droids only). Tanks get other options - either Taunt or some form of defense (Flank Attack, Defense UP to allies, etc.).

You get a choice of whether you want your leadership at gear Tier 2 or gear T4. Your second special comes at whatever tier your leadership didn't.

Your second special can be a passive or active. If it's an anti-faction special, you get a choice of only 2 factions based on your own faction (you can't be an anti-Sith Sith).

If your leadership affects everyone, not just your faction, you choose that as your first ability mat upgrade...which means you have 1 less upgrade than everyone else at the same level.

There don't have to be that many choices at each stage to end up making crazy-specific characters.


I would work really hard to farm those shards.

In fact, if they were Shard-Shop Only, and as expensive as Grievous? I'd start dropping GW tokens on Lumi so hard even her healing couldn't keep up with the damage to her skull.
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