Please make tutorial optional

24 posts Member
Please Please Please Please.

Every time I install the game on a new device, or create a new account I have to play through the tutorial. It takes quite a long while to play through, and I really just don't want to play through it again.


  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    Agreed this is crazy to play through every device.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    Just play with 1 account. Every new account obviously has to go through the tutorial. I mean it's a NEW account
  • Classix
    24 posts Member
    Jetlife wrote: »
    Just play with 1 account. Every new account obviously has to go through the tutorial. I mean it's a NEW account

    It's more that I play on multiple devices, and my 9 year old son also plays, so rather then have him play on mine. I have 2 accounts for me and he has his. I have the game on my phone, my tablet, his tablet, and my computer. There are many people that have multiple accounts, and every time you load the game on a different device, you have no option to sign into your account until you finish the tutorial, which can take 30 minutes to do. Not as much a concern for new accounts, but let me sign in to my account prior to being forced into the tutorial....all I ask.
  • Galdin_Wan
    589 posts Member
    Classix wrote: »
    Jetlife wrote: »
    Just play with 1 account. Every new account obviously has to go through the tutorial. I mean it's a NEW account

    It's more that I play on multiple devices, and my 9 year old son also plays, so rather then have him play on mine. I have 2 accounts for me and he has his. I have the game on my phone, my tablet, his tablet, and my computer. There are many people that have multiple accounts, and every time you load the game on a different device, you have no option to sign into your account until you finish the tutorial, which can take 30 minutes to do. Not as much a concern for new accounts, but let me sign in to my account prior to being forced into the tutorial....all I ask.

    Can't you log into the right account in the game center so that the when you start the game you just get the welcome back (insert name)?

  • DarthAleex
    154 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Stop crying whale, why you reinstall the game if you are gonna loose in every server, please buy a life
  • Classix
    24 posts Member
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    Classix wrote: »
    Jetlife wrote: »
    Just play with 1 account. Every new account obviously has to go through the tutorial. I mean it's a NEW account

    It's more that I play on multiple devices, and my 9 year old son also plays, so rather then have him play on mine. I have 2 accounts for me and he has his. I have the game on my phone, my tablet, his tablet, and my computer. There are many people that have multiple accounts, and every time you load the game on a different device, you have no option to sign into your account until you finish the tutorial, which can take 30 minutes to do. Not as much a concern for new accounts, but let me sign in to my account prior to being forced into the tutorial....all I ask.

    Can't you log into the right account in the game center so that the when you start the game you just get the welcome back (insert name)?

    Nope, you can't log in right away, it takes you straight to the tutorial.
  • Classix
    24 posts Member
    DarthAleex wrote: »
    Stop crying whale, why you reinstall the game if you are gonna loose in every server, please buy a life

    No clue what this is supposed to mean, but I am a mostly F2P player. I think I have spent $20 on this game since its release. If that makes me a whale, I don't know what to call all the people that have spent thousands. I am just someone that is on the go a lot, and I have many gadgets in which I play this game from. I guess I can't fix stupidity and assumptions though, so have a nice day.
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