Discussing the top tier characters.



  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    GruyloRen wrote: »

    I agree with this. Barriss is awesome for GW as was stated, but she hits like a wet noodle

    I don't even like her for GW. Yes. I will admit she is a toon that can help make a very difficult GW winnable for someone who is having problems. That said her damage is so low that she impedes quick progress for someone who doesn't have issues beating GW.... and I prefer to get my GW done in 30 min.

  • GruyloRen
    206 posts Member
    GruyloRen wrote: »

    I agree with this. Barriss is awesome for GW as was stated, but she hits like a wet noodle

    I don't even like her for GW. Yes. I will admit she is a toon that can help make a very difficult GW winnable for someone who is having problems. That said her damage is so low that she impedes quick progress for someone who doesn't have issues beating GW.... and I prefer to get my GW done in 30 min.

    The thing I like about her for GW is that her passive heal can keep your team topped up between battles, so you don't have to retreat and change positions until you can heal your characters.

    On one of my accounts for GW, I run Barriss lead with IG88, IG86, GS, and HK47 on early rounds. Barriss's lack of damage is covered by the all-droid murderfest. Once I get to the point where I need more healing, I sub in JC for HK47. That team makes it all the way through without an issue, and with barely needing to retreat except for really unlucky RNG.

    As you said, you certainly don't NEED Barriss to get through GW. I don't even have her unlocked on my other account, but I do find her helpful.
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    Agree to all previous posts on barris. I believe she is really helpfull in GW and you could almost auto-battle all of it with her. Nevertheless, she is not that good in arena and she is clearly not an option for the top 10 arena characters.
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    Gear level 10 Rex is pretty good.
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    MoBlaq wrote: »
    Old Ben > Dooky. Dont even think Dooky should be on the list

    Dooku is still very much relevant as well as any dodge leader. Plus he destroys jedi teams ESPECIALLY with omega Daka. I usually have 2 people stunned every other turn against jedi teams, have even had 4 the other day with dooku's lightning.

    Let's not forget he deals more damage than most characters par GS/Rey/Leia
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    MoBlaq wrote: »
    Old Ben > Dooky. Dont even think Dooky should be on the list

    Dooku is still very much relevant as well as any dodge leader. Plus he destroys jedi teams ESPECIALLY with omega Daka. I usually have 2 people stunned every other turn against jedi teams, have even had 4 the other day with dooku's lightning.

    Let's not forget he deals more damage than most characters par GS/Rey/Leia

    I don't know if it has happened to you but my dooku, when he counterattacks jedis he sometimes stuns or ability block, but at the end of Dooku's turn the Jedi looses the detrimental effect... I dont know why.
  • Mol_Eliza_oops
    263 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Replace Phasma with Rex. Aayla is also great, but not sure which other one to remove.
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