JC Need buff/altering?

36 posts Member
edited May 2016
The attack power is not my concern with JC but more of an actual healer. His heal ability is average at best, when you have Lumi who's heal ability is far superior, heals more and grants heal over time. Lumi is meant to be an attacker yet she has a better heal than a healer. My thoughts would be to swap there healing abilities or maybe have JC's ability heal over protection just to give it a bit more use.
Another issue is his special ability. It deals relatively low damage on opponents and heals a very small amount of health. Why doesn't this ability heal the same amount of damage dealt? I very rarely use that ability as I'd much rather use his basic which has a chance to reduce cooldown on heal. A way to make this ability better would be to keep the heal the same but spread it across all allies rather than just JC.
I don't think I'll be the first one to say he's not really a healer but I do think he needs to be more of a healer than what he is. I'm not asking for game changing changes but just a thought to make him a bit more useful.

JC Need buff/altering? 76 votes

FinnJaceTirelPlague_IncT0mmyB23Dark_JediEricsonXBoba_The_FetterLegoLegs_PyroPuffBoxmintEnarethpowerNortikka_aikarajuuEebersUltraJediDjbzMasteryodairvvriSikhoGonzalo1495Spart4n_Angel 44 votes
Telaancosmicturtle333IvoB1987Ushodano7591benacrowKAULIunit900000Megadeth3700ThewhiteonEKamikazeRhombusPetrozzaValent_AntonaLaLiamToukaiOnetime7979HunterXJDandreaSaug77Hambone 32 votes


  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    He is good for Gw that's all he needs to be good at, a lot of other toons need attention
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    His biggest advantage is his low cooldown on his heal. That's why most people use him in GW.
    But yes, compared to Lumi, his attacks are very weak.
    A little buff to his special could bring him forward a bit. If it could crit while ignoring armor, that'd be great.
    Other than that, his heal could grant a passive effect to Jedi, like Barris Omega'd heal does.
    Defense up would be fine. That would't have that much of an impact, but it's still something.
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    His basic attack is fine. His heal is fine. His force blast is turrrrrible. It needs either a massive damage increase or a massive heal increase to make me even consider using it over the basic when heal is on 2 cd.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    jc is the average joe of jedi. kind of like gs is the average joe...oh nevermind.
    mighty chlorians
  • Djbz
    251 posts Member
    He could definatly do with a tad more defence and his force blast healing him by more than the tiny sliver that it does.
  • Options
    I think he's right at the level he was intended to be. He only thing I wish he had was better tenacity. It takes him like 5 turns to remove heal immunity
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Hambone
    79 posts Member
    Ohm FFS. Not everything needs to be -- or should be -- comparable, or equal, or the answer to everything. Seriously, enough with this nonsense.

    He does what he does better than anyone: spam moderate heals. Use it, don't use it, up to you. But that's what he's for.
  • Options
    Oh... My... Gawd...

    Just when I think the complainers couldn't complain about anything less important... This thread sticks it's head into the forums.

    Cmon buddy, JC is balanced. I'm guessing you are a new player or pre lvl70.

    1) His CD reduction can make him heal every second turn... If lucky! In some cases if he gets called for an assist his CD reduction activates & he can heal in the very next turn. Meaning he can heal turn after turn after turn... If lucky. Your points are invalid!
    2) He is not Lumi... He shouldn't have such a massive force blast damage amplifier. He's a healer, not a dps attacker... Your point is invalid Snake2.
    3) He fits into almost any team composition... To give him more viability he'll be too good & the nerf threads with flow super fast.
    4) I'm guessing you don't even know what a lvl80 JC does to a team & yet you ask for a buff... Very premature if you ask me. When you play with a lvl80 max gear & you still feel this way i & many other might understand, but to call for a buff so soon... Not good.
    5) His force push has the ability to completely ignore armor... just because you haven't noticed it doesn't mean that he can't do it. I've seen him hit a full health (no protection) lvl74 Dooku to 1 bar hp left due to this force push... Weak, I think not.

    I have a few more but I'll stop here, walls of text scare me & many others.

    Hope this helps shed some light on this... Suggestion of yours & why it is that I disagree!?
  • MayCM
    124 posts Member
    He's not that bad. Sometimes I press SIM when I'm in the mood to 5* him.
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Oh... My... Gawd...

    Just when I think the complainers couldn't complain about anything less important... This thread sticks it's head into the forums.

    Cmon buddy, JC is balanced. I'm guessing you are a new player or pre lvl70.

    1) His CD reduction can make him heal every second turn... If lucky! In some cases if he gets called for an assist his CD reduction activates & he can heal in the very next turn. Meaning he can heal turn after turn after turn... If lucky. Your points are invalid!
    2) He is not Lumi... He shouldn't have such a massive force blast damage amplifier. He's a healer, not a dps attacker... Your point is invalid Snake2.
    3) He fits into almost any team composition... To give him more viability he'll be too good & the nerf threads with flow super fast.
    4) I'm guessing you don't even know what a lvl80 JC does to a team & yet you ask for a buff... Very premature if you ask me. When you play with a lvl80 max gear & you still feel this way i & many other might understand, but to call for a buff so soon... Not good.
    5) His force push has the ability to completely ignore armor... just because you haven't noticed it doesn't mean that he can't do it. I've seen him hit a full health (no protection) lvl74 Dooku to 1 bar hp left due to this force push... Weak, I think not.

    I have a few more but I'll stop here, walls of text scare me & many others.

    Hope this helps shed some light on this... Suggestion of yours & why it is that I disagree!?

    My problem is not with his overall balance but the internal balance of his skillset. As I said, his basic attack and heal are a great combo.

    His health/prot is low so he's not really viable for arena, but excels in gw. That's also fine, not every character needs to be arena worthy.

    However his third skill is not currently good enough to warrant use. It's very marginally better than his basic attack. His order of operations is heal, basic attack, force blast only if heal isn't up again. Otherwise skip it and go back to healing.

    In my opinion characters shouldn't have cd abilities that you would rarely use over the basic attack. His force blast should heal him for 3k so you need to decide if you want to heal jc, or try to get your big heal cd back.
  • Options
    JC was a beast at L60. Unfortunately he needed a furnace to get to G9 back then and still does. Would you waste a furnace on him... no

    His heal has a 2 turn cooldown and with omega on basic, you have a 50% chance to reduce that to one. At 7* level 78 he keeps his spot in my main GW team but def not arena.
  • ichotolot
    229 posts Member
    It would be nice if he could clear debuffs like Elder or Ackbar.
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    He's underwhelming on offense, but I wouldn't be able to complete GW without him
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    His heal is much more regular and reliable. He is excellent for people leveling up. I mean, face it - he is a free character same as Chewie and the Ewok Scout! I think he already fills a useful roll l, even if that is not end game.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I just wish he healed 5 or 10 percent more. I agree his force blast is so underwhelming the only time to ever use it is when heal cooldown is on -1 or fully cool.
    107 posts Member
    I like him where he is. He's a starting character, plus he's a generic character as far as SW goes.

    It's supposed to feel like an accomplishment when you grind out a better character, because well, they're better.
  • Options
    He needs force lightning.
  • wrilley
    390 posts Member
    The advantage of JC is that you can heal so often. He's wonderful in GW.
  • Jaylos
    11 posts Member
    I only agree because as a healing character he is out stripped by quite a few others; however, if he were to be given a different secondary ability where the "Attack as Defense" ability did something like say heal Protection...well then he is suddenly a unique healer. He is credited in the game as two things, "Jedi, Healer" to which every other healer has some unique ability (which they all get a turn reduction at some point so you can't call that unique), in most cases I find that his and Luminara's healing refreshes at near the same pace.

    When you look at all the other healers their heals have some special ability to them except this guy...so why not add at later tiers in his ability upgrades to either heal protection with his "Jedi Healing" or "Attack as Defense" especially when most are commenting about using him for Galactic Wars which your healing gets stripped away in the first or second round never to return.

    Overall he has been part of my build since day one and I doubt that will change any time soon, I would just like to see him gain a truly unique skill to his heal or secondary attack.
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