Fix problems, not symptoms. (Wall of text)

27 posts Member
edited May 2016
So the whole protection patch, and adjusting damage based on speed to make more characters viable was a huge bust. Instead of targeting the characters who did too much damage they just smacked everyone with the damage nerf stick, making most of the already sub par characters worse.

Next we get endless complaints coming in about dooku and fives. The problem was dooku and fives (to those to complained, I personally thought they were fine), not counter attacks in general. Yes, the changes to counters does hit fives and dooku, but they overlooked that it was also nerfing every other character with a counter, all of which were already mostly unused because they are average at best (with the exception of maybe Kylo).

This counter change lead to an uprising of ST Han and his turn meter manipulation. So instead of nerfing Han, they need turn meter reductions in general; once again overlooking how this effects every other character who was only semi useful because of their turn meter reduction.

Changing entire aspects of the game in an attempt to fix one or two characters is only further ruining any option of diversity in teams. I get that they don't want to hit an individual character because everyone will complain about how much time they put into said character, but with how things are going now, it's only further pushing the use of ten or so characters to make up every team.

To sum up, the "solutions" to fixing dooku, fives, and Han, have in turn taken some of the already lacking viability away from:

FOST (counter)
Tebo (turn meter)
Aayla (counter)
Kit Fisto (counter)
Magma trooper (turn meter)
Magnaguard (counter and turn meter)
Tarkin (turn meter)
Chewie (turn meter on basic)

Anyone think any of those characters needed a nerf? We're any of those characters counters or turn meter reductions too strong?


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    Honestly, while I didn't like a lot of the changes at first, I think the overall balancing of the game was achieved. On one side of our mouths we say fives is OP then the other side is complaining he's nerfed. Same for Dooku. Or anyone with a strong counter.

    With some more small tewaks to protection I can actually say they got this right for the long game. Now if they can fix the pre-crafting gap, I'll be just peachy!
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Coward
    27 posts Member
    This isn't about fixing fives or dooku or if they did a good job fixing either. It's that their method to attempt to fix them was done in a way it effected many other characters who were in no need of negative changes. The point is the way they are changing things is further and further slimming the number of characters that can be used in any situation.
  • Options
    Coward wrote: »
    This isn't about fixing fives or dooku or if they did a good job fixing either. It's that their method to attempt to fix them was done in a way it effected many other characters who were in no need of negative changes. The point is the way they are changing things is further and further slimming the number of characters that can be used in any situation.

    I agree with the OP's point. If all these characters are meant to be unique, a blanket change approach isn't the way to go.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    They stated the changes were beyond any single character... They saw a big problem wih how things were heading, esp when u looked into lev 80 and 90... I find the game more balanced now
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Coward
    27 posts Member
    So you're telling me FOST and magnaguard were too strong at level 80? They needed these changes because so when they upgrade to 90 magmatrooper and tebo won't be broken? You find it balanced now because it did help to balance the intended targets (Han, fives, dooku), and those are the only characters you see. And now the chances of you seeing any other character listen above ever in any game mode has dropped further.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    I dont know who was too strong at lev 80 or 90... But they saw a trend they didnt like and stopped it
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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