Guilds and why I hate them



  • Blurryface
    212 posts Member
    Unless they find a solution to making it easier to get lvl 9 and 10 gear this game is finished
  • droidboyz
    316 posts Member
    Yes we've beat this dead horse and here again ...this trend of the same higher powered/ranked with larger pool of toons are CONTINUALLY being given gear everyone needs to progress and stay competitive in GOH ...@CG_JohnSalera

    John, is there a time frame when we will see a change in raid rewards?
  • Skirata
    163 posts Member
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    FYI, one character shoots the rancor, and its' damage-the rancor's armor = 1 point. Improbable, but not impossible.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    Yep, I just joined a ftp guild that does just that, phase 1 sat around for 8 hours, once it was done, three players came out of nowhere and claimed spot 1, 2, and 3, finishing off the to late phase 4, then we reset, and with no chance of improving finished the raid off. Cherry pickers.
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.
  • Options
    But they did give a solution. Spend an entire $20 crystal pack on one piece of gear and we don't have to worry about farming in Raids. I think it's ridiculous, but that is their idea of a solution.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Options
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    Same rewards for everyone but little credit/currency/han shard bonus for the top ^^^ thats what ive been bragging about since release but who cares about lil' fish...
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.

    one thing :D this isnt WOW and I just cant understand how and why you are comparing a mobile game to it ? its just hilarious :D LOL
  • Options
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.

    Tough guilds man, we were hard on people especially since we asked for a lot of time each week. But gear was never a problem as anyone can be geared. I remember in BC buggers were paying for guild runs for loot of BT.

    But as I said people fall behind here hurts the guild as whole. The leaderboard makes it less about teamwork than just hitting phase 1 once then phase 2 4 times for maximum reward.
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Usho wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    Same rewards for everyone but little credit/currency/han shard bonus for the top ^^^ thats what ive been bragging about since release but who cares about lil' fish...

    Actually find it odd that people don't connect the dots. Even CG has put it in the guild area lol " you are only as strong as your weakest link".....
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.

    Tough guilds man, we were hard on people especially since we asked for a lot of time each week. But gear was never a problem as anyone can be geared. I remember in BC buggers were paying for guild runs for loot of BT.

    But as I said people fall behind here hurts the guild as whole. The leaderboard makes it less about teamwork than just hitting phase 1 once then phase 2 4 times for maximum reward.

    thats why I quit WOTLK back in the day :D because no one wanted to carry a newb... :'(
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Usho wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.

    Tough guilds man, we were hard on people especially since we asked for a lot of time each week. But gear was never a problem as anyone can be geared. I remember in BC buggers were paying for guild runs for loot of BT.

    But as I said people fall behind here hurts the guild as whole. The leaderboard makes it less about teamwork than just hitting phase 1 once then phase 2 4 times for maximum reward.

    thats why I quit WOTLK back in the day :D because no one wanted to carry a newb... :'(

    Aah don't worry my guild disbanded on Cata as the game just went to meh. I think it hit it's high note on Wotlk. I think I started to lose faith in BC with the changes to AV and the introduction of Arena that ruined the proper Battlegrounds.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Usho wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.

    Tough guilds man, we were hard on people especially since we asked for a lot of time each week. But gear was never a problem as anyone can be geared. I remember in BC buggers were paying for guild runs for loot of BT.

    But as I said people fall behind here hurts the guild as whole. The leaderboard makes it less about teamwork than just hitting phase 1 once then phase 2 4 times for maximum reward.

    thats why I quit WOTLK back in the day :D because no one wanted to carry a newb... :'(

    Aah don't worry my guild disbanded on Cata as the game just went to meh. I think it hit it's high note on Wotlk. I think I started to lose faith in BC with the changes to AV and the introduction of Arena that ruined the proper Battlegrounds.

    I heared that MOP was good :D never tried out though :( excited for movie lol, Im out...
  • Options
    Usho wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.

    Tough guilds man, we were hard on people especially since we asked for a lot of time each week. But gear was never a problem as anyone can be geared. I remember in BC buggers were paying for guild runs for loot of BT.

    But as I said people fall behind here hurts the guild as whole. The leaderboard makes it less about teamwork than just hitting phase 1 once then phase 2 4 times for maximum reward.

    thats why I quit WOTLK back in the day :D because no one wanted to carry a newb... :'(

    Aah don't worry my guild disbanded on Cata as the game just went to meh. I think it hit it's high note on Wotlk. I think I started to lose faith in BC with the changes to AV and the introduction of Arena that ruined the proper Battlegrounds.

    I heared that MOP was good :D never tried out though :( excited for movie lol, Im out...

    Same lol it looks good especially since the main actor is from Vikings.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Usho wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.

    Tough guilds man, we were hard on people especially since we asked for a lot of time each week. But gear was never a problem as anyone can be geared. I remember in BC buggers were paying for guild runs for loot of BT.

    But as I said people fall behind here hurts the guild as whole. The leaderboard makes it less about teamwork than just hitting phase 1 once then phase 2 4 times for maximum reward.

    thats why I quit WOTLK back in the day :D because no one wanted to carry a newb... :'(

    Aah don't worry my guild disbanded on Cata as the game just went to meh. I think it hit it's high note on Wotlk. I think I started to lose faith in BC with the changes to AV and the introduction of Arena that ruined the proper Battlegrounds.

    I heared that MOP was good :D never tried out though :( excited for movie lol, Im out...

    Same lol it looks good especially since the main actor is from Vikings.

    hell yeah he's so hot ...

    Edit: why is hell censored ? o.O its just ok ok... limbo yeah he's so hot
  • Options
    Usho wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.

    Tough guilds man, we were hard on people especially since we asked for a lot of time each week. But gear was never a problem as anyone can be geared. I remember in BC buggers were paying for guild runs for loot of BT.

    But as I said people fall behind here hurts the guild as whole. The leaderboard makes it less about teamwork than just hitting phase 1 once then phase 2 4 times for maximum reward.

    thats why I quit WOTLK back in the day :D because no one wanted to carry a newb... :'(

    Aah don't worry my guild disbanded on Cata as the game just went to meh. I think it hit it's high note on Wotlk. I think I started to lose faith in BC with the changes to AV and the introduction of Arena that ruined the proper Battlegrounds.

    I heared that MOP was good :D never tried out though :( excited for movie lol, Im out...

    Same lol it looks good especially since the main actor is from Vikings.

    hell yeah he's so hot ...

    Edit: why is hell censored ? o.O its just ok ok... limbo yeah he's so hot

    It's his Eyes just unreal
  • Options
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    Agree here completely and this from the person who finished 1 in all but 1 raid. Equal rewards from 1-50 is a team reward. I'm all for this.
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    Agree here completely and this from the person who finished 1 in all but 1 raid. Equal rewards from 1-50 is a team reward. I'm all for this.

    Glad to meet others that sit high see the problem. Even CG has it in their guild message " your only as strong as your weakest link". It's already happening because us that sit high are the high spenders the other are kinda stuck and it hurts all.
  • Options
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Again I agree. I buy a vault a day, some days 2 if the shipments are extra nice. I'd vastly prefer all to be able to level good and build up the not as geared members.

    As it stands right now the only way to do this is to take a very long time each raid and me sit out, and ask other big players to sit out or hold back. I'm not ok asking others to sit out or not go full out(I know I can't do anything but full out) As it is I try to attack very sporadically to give others the chance to maximize hits. I hit Phase 1 more, except today I had some crashes that stopped it.

    Definately need it reworked though to make it more team.
  • Options
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Again I agree. I buy a vault a day, some days 2 if the shipments are extra nice. I'd vastly prefer all to be able to level good and build up the not as geared members.

    As it stands right now the only way to do this is to take a very long time each raid and me sit out, and ask other big players to sit out or hold back. I'm not ok asking others to sit out or not go full out(I know I can't do anything but full out) As it is I try to attack very sporadically to give others the chance to maximize hits. I hit Phase 1 more, except today I had some crashes that stopped it.

    Definately need it reworked though to make it more team.

    The problem with sitting out and letting the less developed players win the higher ranks is they really aren't guaranteed a better pull for gear. Putting challenge rewards in with raid rewards doesn't help.

  • Stick0014
    120 posts Member
    I agree I have finished top 3 in raids on 4 out of five, I have noted that some of our guild waits till the first tier is complete, then come in and push us all down. I also think the guys in our guild that are lower levels that contribute everyday should get the same rewards as we all work to unlock it and the few guys out of 50 that get in the second it resets and get those 5 extra attacks shouldn't pull the top rewards for snipping there guildies. We have a good guild and we can't kick a guy for playing, better yet you kick them then you will never open a rancor. Guilds are supposed to be team play.

    Now I agree that the guild member of the that has 2-3 days to attack on a raid and doesn't should get nothing

    Is there not away just to make raid rewards dependant on your contribution to starting that raid.
    Why do we need all the competition amongst guild members. I play boom beach and the guild there all gets the same rewards. And the guys that continue not to contribute get the boot, but everyone does the best the can with what they have and there is no need for the sneakiness to trump your own guildies.
    Give same rewards to each member, put a time limit on every tier. And base the rewards on if a guild beats it in the time period. Better rewards if you finish. Or give every member 5 attacks that's all you get on each level. So if you purposly miss one level that your toons not geared towards you loose out.
    And anyone here that justified the top players getting the top rewards because there bottom players aren't as good and should get less. Imo your in the wrong guild if all your guild isn't contributing.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Usho wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.

    Maybe it's just the capitalist in me, but it's my belief that the people who do the best should get the best. People who do less should get less. Guilds should be made up of people who are similarly geared/ranked so 1st is a toss up or with people who understand they are being carried through higher tiers than they should probably be doing and don't mind the lesser gear that they are getting.

    I have a problem with people taking advantage of the system and then whining about not getting the gear the best people are getting. I understand that sometimes this is due to jerks in their guild starting early, late, not attacking until this tier or that tier, or whatever, but that just means you are in the wrong guild.


    I get what you mean and you are right and competitive boards don't hurt in most games. But here it hurts you if your guildies can't keep up and progress to herioc especially if they are f2p. Some will take advantage of it and will find that most guilds will remove them for not helping the guild.

    I come from old vanilla wow back when everyone had to keep up otherwise we all suffered especially for farming bosses.

    So it benfits us if they made this small change, the tokens and credits alone and just bragging rights will keep things competitive. :)

    I also played wow, started in bc. And you couldn't get into a guild doing the most current raids without being well geared. If you were not well geared, you had to join a different guild doing a less current raid.
    Good guilds wouldn't carry you in wow either.

    Tough guilds man, we were hard on people especially since we asked for a lot of time each week. But gear was never a problem as anyone can be geared. I remember in BC buggers were paying for guild runs for loot of BT.

    But as I said people fall behind here hurts the guild as whole. The leaderboard makes it less about teamwork than just hitting phase 1 once then phase 2 4 times for maximum reward.

    thats why I quit WOTLK back in the day :D because no one wanted to carry a newb... :'(

    Aah don't worry my guild disbanded on Cata as the game just went to meh. I think it hit it's high note on Wotlk. I think I started to lose faith in BC with the changes to AV and the introduction of Arena that ruined the proper Battlegrounds.

    I heared that MOP was good :D never tried out though :( excited for movie lol, Im out...

    Same lol it looks good especially since the main actor is from Vikings.

    hell yeah he's so hot ...

    Edit: why is hell censored ? o.O its just ok ok... limbo yeah he's so hot

    It's his Eyes just unreal

    @Mofojokers1992 eyes and smile and beard :flushed:
  • Options
    The loot in raids just needs to be all around better. It's pretty much a bunch of effort for peanuts. I've finished 1st every raid and the only thing of value received is the credits and guild currency. The purps I've got have all been garbage I have hundreds of already.
  • Options
    @Stick0014 100% agreed on rewarding the whole guild evenly and reward accordingly to time taken to beat it, its a team effort. Other idea is to just rank based on the average amount of damage opposed to total amount. Still rewards top players pulling their weight while not rewarding snipers.
  • Stick0014
    120 posts Member
    @TeamWarriors thanks it was so long I figured know one would read it
  • Options
    Either ways would suck. Benefits aside, i could only have reasons why they suck

    A) Rewarding players the same irregardless of contribution whether by number of hits, time spent, or damage contribution aka "communism".

    This won't be fair in anyway, because why should the lower level players get the same reward basket as the high level players. I remember how much time and physical energy I spent before even Sim tickets came out, and when they did suddenly lower level players are levelling faster then i have ever did and having more avenues to get more gear to advance. So i also dont think it is fair you get a high level gear when your low level characters are not viable to equip with yet.
    And like everyone is saying is for people to join similar level groups, so you get rewarded for strategy to get more, higher damage hits and still survive. I can stil find more reasons why it would be unfair.

    B) Currently, rewarding players, based on damage contribution. Also not fair for people who just wait out easier phases.

    WHEN should the raid start to be fair?
    I think it should wait out like now till when enough coins are collected, but tweaking the character refreshes towards either my own timezone settings (at the same time ensuring this does not get abused) or everyone gets refreshes having waited the same amount of time with the same number of battle chances.

    What Changes I would like to see (subject to load of game server):

    OPTION 1:
    Guilds should enable players with different character availabilities to actually FIGHT battles together. E.g. Maybe i would harness a healing team, while another guild player would harness a tanker team and then we work together to battle using the chat to discuss team strategies. And in that scenario, i would be happy to share a same reward with a lower level player for current in-game participation in ADDITION to maybe add rewards tying to raid participation, which is proportional to Energy, so obviously higher level players would have more "energy" to spend and contribute.

    OPTION 2:
    Because currently, the top player are not necessarily the best player as different character set has their own strengths. And then the reward is an all in or nothing reward.

    Maybe the rewards could be segregated for rewarding top players in various views? And then and overall top gets bonus rewards, and descending rewards to the the bottom most in the overall view E.g. you can see different views for top players by ratio of energy spent to damage effected, or another view for total damage contribution, another view for phase by phase "leaders" so that people will be rewarded for contributions to all phases to encourage people to fight in all phases and not just wait out to fight the easy?

    Or somehow fuse option 1 and 2. And of course fine tune these general details to make it fair across the board.

    Currently just **** at people who like someone said "how is ONE damage even possible?" (If it isn't a one off event) and also **** at the players waiting out instead of fighting all in, and also with the whole time reset. So not fair. I had check at 4 to 5am in my timezone or miss the raid.

    Also im going to be in the middle of large oceans with no internet for almost two weeks. Yes although i am on vacation in the middle of the high seas, i would still like to participate because my team is finally getting their foothold on participation and lower level players are frantically levelling up as much as they can. Im gonna miss their battles when they finally "grow up"

    That said, im level 76, arena power 30k+, daily active contribution only for as much as the daily set if activities will reward me for. And i travel at an annual average of one week a month, some months never, other months more. And i will contribute as actively as i can to my guild and when i have limited internet access, i would like to be allowed ONE damage if that's all the time i have. Haha.

    I am happy with my guild apart from the fact that they all speak Russian. And i only understand English, Mandarin, French and German. Wish the chats could be easily translated. Don't want a country-specific group. A multi national group always nice.
  • Options
    Just give me a droid Caller and I will be done.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    I like the concept of overkill.

    Once you get to the end of the raid you get to keep attacking until the reset time. All attacks would count toward total damage. This way you don't have to hold back. Phase two and three would still get zerged but at least people would have a chance to do damage.

    My other idea for heroic is that you just start the raid over with no refresh of charactors. The raid keeps going until all Characters are dead. Each time you kill an extra phase you get an extra 25 guild points.

    Again this balances damage and solves the too many attack problem.

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