Starter Bundles

After opening my first Chromium Data Pack off free shards I was a little disappointed. SO I started considering buying starter bundles, namely the Heroine Starter Bundle (nightsisters) or Assassin Droid Bundle maybe even the Jedi one. Anyhow, I don't wana blow the money on characters I may not play so I was wondering what people experiences are with these packs? Anyone know if the characters are viable in end game? I can't seem to find a sight that gives me the information on which characters are decent and which are not.



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    I've only spent $5 total and that was on the dark side starter pack. This was because at the time I had very poor selection on the dark side. I got Greedo (2 Star character) with some shards for others (5 for Snowtrooper and Royal Guard I believe) and credits and crystals. This is the only one I think is worth buying, because you get nearly as much crystals from the pack than the $5 sale of crystals plus you get shards and a character. Greedo has always been my favorite bounty hunter idk why he just has been, so it was a no brainier for me. He's really good at the beginning, better than any other character I have. However, late 20s he began to be outclassed by the Snowtrooper and Geonosian Warrior (who is the best attacker of all my characters along with Ewok Scout, both 3 star) and almost all my characters on my light side. He attacks frequently but he does miss a lot more than the others, even with level 4 gear at level 35. He's very very helpful in the beginning but begins to be outclassed in mid game. That's my experience with packs, overall I don't recommend spending $10+ on anything unless it's for your favorite character and their shards aren't farmable (Ahem.. KIT FISTO, AAYLA SECURA, DARTH MAUL)
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    I go on record as saying a droid team is just sick nasty beast if you wanna spend a few bucks. The droid bundle is solid for the $ imo.

    The heroine pak aint bad. Bariss got a little nerf but nothin to drastic. Her heals **** to begin with so no biggie. Her equilization and health is what makes her awesome.

    Mace is one of the most worhless toons in the game and despiratly needs completly retooled or massivly buffed so i advise aginst the jedi pak.

    Dooku is the ideal starter toon and will help you ALOT.

    All my opinion
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    Barriss is an ideal lead for GW, Tano is meh, Ventress is slow, not huge HP, but built up her Dispel/heal is helpful and her basic is hard hitting and stuns, her AOE also hits quite hard. Her and Sid hitting their AOES for me typically take out a Dooku like toon, derfinately Leia, Maul, and FOTP. Leaves others one JC or Lum basic from death. I was ticked off on the Barriss buff, but adapted and found her use in GW big time. I'd go that route. I got the Droid pack, I'm no0t impressed, though I only have them LVL 53'd and 4* gear like 5. I ran into a geared up Droid team, I crushed them, but they hurt me and inspired me to build them up in the near future.

    Mace is useless. My only use for him is in Mop up GW. He hits so weak and has good hp it helps reset cooldowns.
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    Barriss is arguably one of the best healers in GW when her abilities are trained up (leader and dispel)

    I like Aayla but she isn't farmable outside of it and Ahsoka is great and farmable in cantina shipments. She hits really hard when her special Frits and has a good self heal on her basic and a seemingly small chance to heal the group for ~1500 when her special Crits.

    Ventress is farmable from arena shipments but is pretty slow. She does hit hard and has a stun.

    Mace and Anakin are pretty underwhelming IMO. Lots of health but they aren't farmable and don't really hit that hard.

    I didn't buy the droid bundle but it appears to be an okay deal. I'll defer to the others' opinions there.
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    I got the droid bundle because I pulled a 4 star Poggle on a bronzium and they synergize very nicely. They do well in arena and are easy to farm for, so I'm sticking with them as my main team.
    It's a hard life pickin stones and pullin teats, but sure as gods got sandals, it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails....
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Uuugh why do ppl keep saying things like "bariss is one of the best healers"

    Understand the mechanic plz. She is a terrible healer. She has the weakest heal in the game.

    What bariss does have however is the unique equilization she does PRIOR to her little baby heal. That eauilization can be used quite effectivly and its why ppl think she can "heal" so much but its NOT a heal lol its an equilization.

    Another benefit is a good chance to heal the party with her basic atk (again its a small little baby heal but a heal none the less)

    She also has massive health which is nice. It makes her very very durable ensuring she will get many opportunitys to heal and equilize team health.
  • RonTom
    268 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Bariss IS one of the best healers. She is still classified as a healer although her actual heal ability was severely nerfed. Most people who visit these forums probably understand the equaliser effect by now, no need to sound so patronising.
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    How come some of my friend gets the starter bundle during their initial week and some do not?
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    I bought the $5 pack and it was a great deal but that was when it had dooku. The only pack I regret NOT getting is the droid pack. I got bariss in a chromium pull and she is very useful, especially in ground war (we all seem to be in agreement on that). However one thing I wish I understood when I started was the importance of being able to farm the characters. You can farm all of the droids which means if your not planning on spending tons of money, this is the best starter pack for closer to end game. Bariss and mace are not farmable so they will get left behind by your main team after lvl 50ish, but the droids can be your team for a long time.
  • Azraelrulez
    1908 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Didn't get any of the starter packs to my loss but my wife got the droid bundle at my suggestion. Best of the lot and helps immensely at lower levels even without Poggle. Combined with Poggle, will last till end game.

    Edit: Didn't notice the thread was started 1st Jan, lol, but guess some others can use the insight :smiley:
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    BaneisOP wrote: »
    How come some of my friend gets the starter bundle during their initial week and some do not?

    All packs will be available at certain levels except the dark side starter pack which appears randomly.

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