So again why no F2p and P2W servers?

1766 posts Member
edited May 2016
I srsly don't care if you are p2p.
I am just trying to understand the rationale behind clumping both classes into one set of servers.

Maybe it's just me but if I was p2w then I want to compete against other tricked out max level/gear/power p2w team and not run over f2p teams.

I like how games like WoW has servers created based on play style - PvE, PvP, RP etc.
I would be cool in SWGoH was created based on pay style. If your total payment towards ingame purchases was above x amount of dollars, you get switched to a P2W server.

It's lot more fun to win against an equally competent team.

Before that f2p guy posts and claims he is #1 in arena for 5 straight weeks. A disclaimer - there are very few f2p players who reach those top brackets. Very few.


  • XEnVY
    29 posts Member
    Then why pay if you have no advantage?
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    It's lot more fun to win against an equally competent team.

    Sadly, most people pay to have an advantage, in order to crush those who don't.
    It's fun to win against an equally competent team, but there's a risk you lose.
    Most people will prefer crushing less advanced players for their personal glory.

    I can assure you that only a few would pay if it meant fighting only paying players: you'd just spend cash without getting an advantage over those who don't.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    I srsly don't care if you are p2p.
    I am just trying to understand the rationale behind clumping both classes into one set of servers.

    Maybe it's just me but if I was p2w then I want to compete against other tricked out max level/gear/power p2w team and not run over f2p teams.

    I like how games like WoW has servers created based on play style - PvE, PvP, RP etc.
    I would be cool in SWGoH was created based on pay style. If your total payment towards ingame purchases was above x amount of dollars, you get switched to a P2W server.

    It's lot more fun to win against an equally competent team.

    Before that f2p guy posts and claims he is #1 in arena for 5 straight weeks. A disclaimer - there are very real f2p players who reach those top brackets. Very few.

    What @Xenvy said and:
    F2P's are the majority of players for the P2W's to feel good about beating since they win by pocket size. Without F2P players, P2W gets bored since they are all fighting the same over-powered champions (mostly, this game is surprisingly balanced between P2P and P2W, outside of Sun Fac and Leia).

    It sucks, but F2P's cant play without the P2W's, and the P2W's dont have fun without killing the F2P's.

  • IvoB1987
    495 posts Member
    then there is no reason for the p2w to spend money. The whole goal of p2w is to be the best no matter the cost. If you're stuck with other people it doesn't work that great.

    Also, there are people that like to spend like 20$ a month and there are people that spend 100$ a day. Then it's not fair for the first group you could say. And splitting it up depending on how much you spent just doesn't work
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    XEnVY wrote: »
    Then why pay if you have no advantage?
    Advantage as in best up underpowered f2p teams?

    That's messed up my friend. Sounds like p2w players have some bullying issues.
    Lol srsly what u r saying is really messed up.
    If you have low esteem issues then seek help and not try to get a false sense of ego playing phone games.

  • XEnVY
    29 posts Member
    XEnVY wrote: »
    Then why pay if you have no advantage?
    Advantage as in best up underpowered f2p teams?

    That's messed up my friend. Sounds like p2w players have some bullying issues.
    Lol srsly what u r saying is really messed up.
    If you have low esteem issues then seek help and not try to get a false sense of ego playing phone games.

    Im f2p but you pay to have the best gear characters and star levels.You pay for the clear advantage over everyone else
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    XEnVY wrote: »
    XEnVY wrote: »
    Then why pay if you have no advantage?
    Advantage as in best up underpowered f2p teams?

    That's messed up my friend. Sounds like p2w players have some bullying issues.
    Lol srsly what u r saying is really messed up.
    If you have low esteem issues then seek help and not try to get a false sense of ego playing phone games.

    Im f2p but you pay to have the best gear characters and star levels.You pay for the clear advantage over everyone else

    Yea, that's the whole reason games went from $60 for a fair game, to "Please spend $5,000 on this ONE game!"
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member

    You do realize you are a p2p player right?
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    You take your Jedi Luke Skywalker profile pic and get out! No one likes logic here!
  • XEnVY
    29 posts Member
    @Toukai 5K for half the Game lol
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    You do realize you are a p2p player right?
    Not sure if I understand your point.
    If you are saying I am p2p (which I am not denying) then yes I want to compete against fellow p2p teams.

    But I am not p2w. There is a difference.
  • Dev_Str
    137 posts Member
    Won't work :
    1. Let's say you paid 500$. Are you on a F2P serveur with pople who spend almost nothing, or on a P2P serveur with people who spent 5000$ ? Both cases are unfair.

    2. Let's say I play one month on a F2P server, and then decide to spen 1000$. Will I being forced to move on a new server ?
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    You do realize you are a p2p player right?
    Not sure if I understand your point.
    If you are saying I am p2p (which I am not denying) then yes I want to compete against fellow p2p teams.

    But I am not p2w. There is a difference.

    To a 100% f2p player they are only different shades of the same color.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    You take your Jedi Luke Skywalker profile pic and get out! No one likes logic here!

    I'm sorry. Lol
  • Orions
    269 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I srsly don't care if you are p2p.
    I am just trying to understand the rationale behind clumping both classes into one set of servers.

    Maybe it's just me but if I was p2w then I want to compete against other tricked out max level/gear/power p2w team and not run over f2p teams.

    I like how games like WoW has servers created based on play style - PvE, PvP, RP etc.
    I would be cool in SWGoH was created based on pay style. If your total payment towards ingame purchases was above x amount of dollars, you get switched to a P2W server.

    It's lot more fun to win against an equally competent team.

    Before that f2p guy posts and claims he is #1 in arena for 5 straight weeks. A disclaimer - there are very few f2p players who reach those top brackets. Very few.

    Are you sure F2P players don't want to compete with P2P players? I find people who are F2P get the most satisfaction in winning against someone who has spent money on the game. I've spent a bit myself and I always feel good when I beat a team from a player that has spent more than me! :)

    Bigger Disclaimer - There are tons of servers that have mostly F2P players and there are WAY more F2P players that can reach top brackets than you know of...

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Not sure if I understand your point.
    If you are saying I am p2p (which I am not denying) then yes I want to compete against fellow p2p teams.

    But I am not p2w. There is a difference.

    so there should be 3 servers, f2p, p2p and p2w ?

    p2w doesnt really work that well when they are facing other p2w.

    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    They want to turn you from f2p to p2p. Yes, you can crack top 10 in arena as f2p, but you have to focus on developing a 5 (wo)man squad. You then face a p2p squad that crushes you, and you think to yourself "Ooo, I want a squad like that!" The only way to do that(in a reasonable time frame) is to buy those crystals. You open one chromium pack, pull a decent character - a character available only in chromium. Next thing you know, you're working extra overtime and going to money mart just to pay your rent, because you spent everything you have on crystals, just to level up Kit Fisto.

  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    They want to turn you from f2p to p2p. Yes, you can crack top 10 in arena as f2p, but you have to focus on developing a 5 (wo)man squad. You then face a p2p squad that crushes you, and you think to yourself "Ooo, I want a squad like that!" The only way to do that(in a reasonable time frame) is to buy those crystals. You open one chromium pack, pull a decent character - a character available only in chromium. Next thing you know, you're working extra overtime and going to money mart just to pay your rent, because you spent everything you have on crystals, just to level up Kit Fisto.

    Sounds like a scary nightmare to me. I always say that, when you feel coerced to do anything, it's usually not healthy. You should feel like, when money is spent that you feel like you are getting a good buy, not this setup.....
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    You do realize you are a p2p player right?
    Not sure if I understand your point.
    If you are saying I am p2p (which I am not denying) then yes I want to compete against fellow p2p teams.

    But I am not p2w. There is a difference.

    Does that mean you avoid attacking f2p players in arena because you aren't p2w? Ahaha yeah that's what I thought 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Galdin_Wan
    589 posts Member
    It would never work because people spend varying amounts of money. Where people who've spent less than $100 go, $100-$500, etc.
  • Pilot
    470 posts Member
    The problem with doing anything in the world is that it is very hard to do it alone. You need others in most cases, and more often then not, those others have opinions. Often the opinions of others are stroked entirely from a single-dimensional perspective of self-interest, lacking foresight, creativity, and often, absent of common sense.

    I am just trying to understand the rationale behind clumping both classes into one set of servers.
    When someone signs up to play on day 1, no one has committed to paying anything. There is not a "MAGIC" way to detect a potential supported from a potential leech. The game must lure players into paying (supporting) constantly, turning long term free players into some form of a spender.
    I am trying to understand the rational behind why God didnt make everyone psychic. The least he could have done is make everyone equally smart!

    Maybe it's just me but if I was p2w then I want to compete against other tricked out max level/gear/power p2w team and not run over f2p teams.
    Typically, this is the case. Those who spend move ahead, and usually face others who also paid to move ahead. It is not always the case, but you imply that players who have made some form of an investment did so in order to beat you.

    I would be cool in SWGoH was created based on pay style. If your total payment towards ingame purchases was above x amount of dollars, you get switched to a P2W server.
    So. Besides the obvious pay luring the game needs to do to be profitable, you want them to put up a wall that shields you from the effects of their lure. Why stop there? Your reasoning made it past "This game should have zero cost, and everything should be free!" but couldnt get your logic around this conundrum?

    I dont think this needs to be clarified, but heres a nib. No Free to play player would EVER cross the pay wall! Thus, going off of the first issue, no player would ever buy anything. Ever!

    Before that f2p guy posts and claims he is #1 in arena for 5 straight weeks. A disclaimer - there are very few f2p players who reach those top brackets. Very few.
    So you conclude by stating the obvious separation between P2P and F2P inherent in the system, the very thing all of your rambling is attacking...

    The real conclusion, is you want to be the top guy. Your ego pulls on you for it. You want someone to put you there without much effort from you. Dig deep. Think about it. You'll find that the motivator which compelled you to come to the forums in outrage was actually a symptom of of a small wiener.
    "There is no 'try'." - Master Yoda
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    I am one of them people you are talking about I'm getting 1-10 Lately but it is Getting harder as the weeks go by, I am really struggling right now, With Fives, RG, Rey once they start getting to level 80/ 10 gear which I cant get to!

    F2P server would be great. thx
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    I don't know what real advantage P2P players really have. There's like 3 or 4 Chromium Exclusive characters that are worth having and even then only maybe the top 5% or less have them at 7-stars. The other advantage is they can level a little faster. I'm like in a mid-range group where I can buy some crystals each week but not enough to knock out megapacks of Chromiums.
  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I don't know what real advantage P2P players really have. There's like 3 or 4 Chromium Exclusive characters that are worth having and even then only maybe the top 5% or less have them at 7-stars. The other advantage is they can level a little faster. I'm like in a mid-range group where I can buy some crystals each week but not enough to knock out megapacks of Chromiums.

    Lets see you compete in a heroic raid against people with all lvl 80 maxed geared toons, then come back and say p2p don't have a real advantage. Also when metas change.

    In reply to the OP, because that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Pray you never have to make any business decisions.
  • Orions
    269 posts Member
    I think this might work, but ... since all F2P people will be moved to a F2P server all players will be locked from buying anything (since its F2P), also since these servers are filled with non-paying customers we are going to lock the server to the games original release status (you know since none of you pay, none of you should get the game updates).

    Now that it's all covered lets do it!

  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    Orions wrote: »
    I think this might work, but ... since all F2P people will be moved to a F2P server all players will be locked from buying anything (since its F2P), also since these servers are filled with non-paying customers we are going to lock the server to the games original release status (you know since none of you pay, none of you should get the game updates).

    Now that it's all covered lets do it!

    Or make it a membership based game. Pay $5/month.

  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    But my question is where do the people who spend 1-10 $ fit in to this?
  • Orions
    269 posts Member
    Orions wrote: »
    I think this might work, but ... since all F2P people will be moved to a F2P server all players will be locked from buying anything (since its F2P), also since these servers are filled with non-paying customers we are going to lock the server to the games original release status (you know since none of you pay, none of you should get the game updates).

    Now that it's all covered lets do it!

    Or make it a membership based game. Pay $5/month.

    Your kinda killing the F2P model with a subscription...

  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I've no problem of playing against p2p on my server. I would have a problem if everyone would be on the same server lol. I just want these +8k power advantage furnace teams gone. Can we do that? :smile: That or get my Old Ben team to dodge everything ok? I know he can do it!
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    But my question is where do the people who spend 1-10 $ fit in to this?
    Find your server based on the definition of free and paid/pay.
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