Quit Tinkering with Good Characters and Improve the Weak Ones Instead

Nerfing isn't the answer. Improving the weak characters IS. Ever stop to think that the toons you want to nerf wouldn't be so hard for your toon to face if EA hadn't nerfed them as well in the first place?


  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    Everyone clamoring for nerfs, etc. The problem with static meta is because we aren't getting new accessible characters. Devs spend too much time tinkering with existing characters instead of adding new.

    We want a dynamic game, but just changing the existing rules isn't dynamic--its just frustrating.
  • Options
    new characters are always great, but...

    rebalancing old characters is important, so is fixing bugs that make them less useful.

    also, it takes time to gear new characters. if old characters weren't still useful, there would be a lot of frustration going on. if it takes you months to max a full team of 5, that are constantly out of date, that gets frustrating.
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    I find it more frustrating to have a team that becomes broken by "fixes". It's impossible to have a set of characters that are all completely used.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    They literally just added new characters. They can't add character by 10s. They will always need to to adjust existing characters for balancing issues.
  • Tromedlov13
    1559 posts Member
    very soon new characters will only really be available to whales in the first month or two they are available. Especially once you hit the 80 mark 7* and gear 8-9. Getting a new toon to 80, 7* and gear 9 is a two month or more farm for f2p or even Dolphins. I didn't do the math to 80 yet as I am not there but it was 4.4 million credits and 10's of thousands in energy to get the levels, stars and gear for a level 1-70 jump. It's worse now. Non and light spenders don't have the extras resources to level a new toon or they will fall behind on the 10-15 to need for challenges, stages, raids, GW and especially arena.

    And what is worse (and I saw this happen in heroes charge and other games like this) all new toons have to be usable at 3-4* or no one will even bother with them, which makes these toons borderline or comepletely OP at 6-7*. Then they will inevitably get nerfed and **** everyone off. you can already see this as the last 3 toons released all appear extremely powerful. Why not fix an existing useless toon - CUP, JKG, Ug, etc - instead of adding a new one
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    I'd personally prefer they balance the existing roster rather than milk the whales by adding new toons.

    Generally a new toon has to be OP to make the whales open their wallets, so with each new toon, there'll be balance problems down the road. In a few months I wouldn't surprised if this game consists of two player groups - those who have Sun Fac, and those who don't.
  • JediMasterGibs
    421 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I agree and I don't. I'd love some new characters that are actually free. even 1 hard node for someone like a young Obi Wan would keep me happy. But at the same time, I am working on far to many heroes as it is, and my credits are shot. Guilds have shifted my focus to getting more characters of higher stars. I was already doing this because GW used to be very hard for me, but even so.... more characters to work on is going to be rough.

    As a side note, if young Obi was released, I would drop every character for him no questions asked.

    edit: I didn't talk about balance. I think this game takes a bad stance on balance. in the few short months that it's been out, they completely remade the game quite a few times. Speed was king, so nope we add protection. that completely altered teams, made some toons obsolete, or less usable, and made others absolute beasts. Once the OP units are out, they'll rebalance in a few months and turn everything on it's head again.
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    That's part of my point. This "rebalancing" is screwing things up. Just add new characters with interesting abilities and people will shift around.
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    If you fix all the unused characters, you now have a bunch of new characters.

    There's literally 30+ "new" characters that are sitting there waiting to be used... Stuff you already have at 2, 3 or more stars...
  • CashFlow
    39 posts Member
    saboater wrote: »
    Everyone clamoring for nerfs, etc. The problem with static meta is because we aren't getting new accessible characters. Devs spend too much time tinkering with existing characters instead of adding new.

    We want a dynamic game, but just changing the existing rules isn't dynamic--its just frustrating.

    **** are you talking about? The game is less than six months old champ. They are releasing new heroes ever couple of months. There is definitely not a static "meta" - LTP or ****
  • Options
    Nerfing is unnecessary, and fraudulent on EA's part because what was advertised to players that made them want to spend time and many cases $$$ on a toon is then taken away, with no offer of even a partial refund.

    Adding tons of new characters is not feasible, but improving on the abilities of the historically "challenged" or weaker characters through the additions of new abilities and gear as those toons are built up, rather than dragging good toons down into the mud with nerfs, is feasible.
  • Tromedlov13
    1559 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Fixing the unused toons is something they should do or remove them from the game (or at least from chromium packs)

    There are so many useless toons in this game that no one should buy chromium packs.
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
  • Options
    Once the OP units are out, they'll rebalance in a few months and turn everything on it's head again.

    I smell a Rey nerf coming. She's already a threat to their pay2win crown jewel Leia, and they're making her way too easy to farm lately.

  • Options
    Nerfing is unnecessary, and fraudulent on EA's part because what was advertised to players that made them want to spend time and many cases $$$ on a toon is then taken away, with no offer of even a partial refund.

    It's interesting to note that Blizzard offers players a refund of materials if they decide to nerf a hero in hearthstone, that way the player can continue with the hero in its new form, or spend it elsewhere.

    EA/CG on the other hand? "LOL thanks for your time and money, sucker."
  • Hedgehog
    61 posts Member
    It takes 320 shards and costs somewhere around 2.5 million credits to bring a character up to 7*, and then you have to consider leveling, and then gear. I'd rather see certain current characters become more useful than have new ones to chase after.
  • Options
    saboater wrote: »
    That's part of my point. This "rebalancing" is screwing things up. Just add new characters with interesting abilities and people will shift around.

  • Options
    Nerfing is unnecessary, and fraudulent on EA's part because what was advertised to players that made them want to spend time and many cases $$$ on a toon is then taken away, with no offer of even a partial refund.

    It's interesting to note that Blizzard offers players a refund of materials if they decide to nerf a hero in hearthstone, that way the player can continue with the hero in its new form, or spend it elsewhere.

    EA/CG on the other hand? "LOL thanks for your time and money, sucker."

    +1. This is why I encourage people who've been defrauded in this manner to file complaints with the Better Business Bureau, and Consumer Affairs. It's easy to do online and costs you nothing.
  • Mojavelandbaron
    977 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Fixing the unused toons is something they should do or remove them from the game (or at least from chromium packs)

    There are so many useless toons in this game that no one should buy chromium packs.

    Would love to see them improve Kit Fisto. As for Rey. Keep her as she is. She's a real hard hitter, but she lacks max health and can be taken out easily if you go after her first (There's your "balance"). I've been wiped out by her before, but learned how to drop her before she drops me. To all you pro-nerf Socialists out there, it's called "strategy".
  • TheLegendOfKimy
    108 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    They should remove all previous nerfs (GS, fotp, Yoda, Bariss, etc) none of them would even be broken at this point in this meta. Then also buff weaker toons, instead of nerfing anyone else.
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I stopped read after 1st couple post. Reason why is everyone kept talking about having to spend money to get the new toons. Not all new toons they added have been only in packs. Only a couple. They have added more to be farmed than pack only.

    Kylo, FOO, fin, Poe, phasma, Rey have always been farmable since coming out in Dec., along with GG as that is a farm ( extremely long one ), yoda as event, new ewok, and the new toons from raids. the only new toones the added that are pack only are Rex, tuskin shamon, suc FAC, and now wedge. More are farmable than actually having to buy a pack. Just have to farm for them. It took me 3 months to farm Rey and get her to 7*

    With that said. Some older toons need a lot of help. Not saying buff jaws to be ls version of GS, but some such as fisto, veers, and chewy do need some love
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    Powda wrote: »
    If you fix all the unused characters, you now have a bunch of new characters.

    There's literally 30+ "new" characters that are sitting there waiting to be used... Stuff you already have at 2, 3 or more stars...

    Fixing may be fine. But "breaking" characters is getting old
  • Options
    saboater wrote: »
    Powda wrote: »
    If you fix all the unused characters, you now have a bunch of new characters.

    There's literally 30+ "new" characters that are sitting there waiting to be used... Stuff you already have at 2, 3 or more stars...

    Fixing may be fine. But "breaking" characters is getting old

    Amen to that!
  • Options
    They should remove all previous nerfs (GS, fotp, Yoda, Bariss, etc) none of them would even be broken at this point in this meta. Then also buff weaker toons, instead of nerfing anyone else.

    Common sense. Hopefully it rubs off on the devs.
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