Synergies could be expanded wider, more viable and more accurate to story

Ive been really trying lately to examine synergies in squads and do more with that aspect of the game. I've seen my guild use full synergy squads and rack up (go Dirty Casuals) ! I've also recently started rewatching the clone wars series and realized there are a lot of synergies missing from the game that could add some beautiful variety and wouldn't be that hard to code (I don't think so anyway). Here are some of the ones I was thinking:

1) Savage Opress: he has a strong tie to the Nightsisters as well as Sith. (Plus um isn't he a tank, not attacker.)
2) Darth Sidious: Isnt he technically empire also?
3) all genosians and Jawas: shouldn't they have droid synergy?
4) all first order: they are still empire right?
5) ewoks: Technically they are rebels too
6) resistance: aren't they also Rebels?
7) Asajj Ventress: She was Sith too

Maybe even add Bounty hunter synergy or Republic synergy (clone era characters for example clones and Jedi)

What do you think?
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