New Regular Events

There are regular events that force us to field a team of tanks, or attackers, etc.

I think it would be a good addition to the game if there could be similar events that would force us to field a rebel team, or an empire team, resistance, scoundrel, ewok, droid, and so on. Preferably events that don't expect 7* and 8+ gear!

Not sure how it is for you, but by this point in playing the game I've collected lots of characters that I never use. I have an arena team, and a few extra to do LS / DS and GW, which means about ten active characters out of nearly fifty! It would be a lot of fun to have a good reason to send some of those others out to play!

What do you all reckon?


  • Options
    I started a similar thread a few days ago

    How about some new Events for the other class's of characters?

    And this was the response...

    May 7
    More events are on their way. We'll have more details as they get closer.

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    Excellent! Great minds think alike!
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    More events period. It's great that Yoda is a repeatable event but once you have him seven starred you don't even see it in the list.
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