When a character is given F2P availability, a loyalty reward should be given to the previous owners

27 posts Member
Loyalty reward is highly successful system that is proven to increase user retention.

When a character is transferred to F2P nodes or shipments, give previous owners of 7 stars (or 6 stars or whatever is balanced star level), version of the characters a unique skin.

This will

1. Boost your sales if you announce it beforehand (as players try to hit that whatever star level you've set to)
2. Reassure whales that their investments in the games were not in vain


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    This is actually a good idea and shouldnt hurt the other side at all: --> it gives p2p a well earned chance to show off if they want and for others to know you've actually spent $ to get that toon.
    It isn't anything really useful and as so shouldn't hurt others so not much complaining. :)
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    You allready got rewarded for having a rare and powerfull toon, what more do you need? You were not obligated to spend the cash, it was your decision to pay the cost and you agreed that what you get in return will justify it. Demanding extra value seems little childish to me.
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    The reward is in you owning it when nobody else does. You literally have something that others can't have. That is a pretty big advantage in my eyes.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    Tisikotka wrote: »
    You allready got rewarded for having a rare and powerfull toon, what more do you need? You were not obligated to spend the cash, it was your decision to pay the cost and you agreed that what you get in return will justify it. Demanding extra value seems little childish to me.

    But this proposal doesnt add any extra value at all, only sth trivial which can make those who spent a lot for a toon to get regocnition for that and wouldnt hurt those who didnt at all, so what's the problem?
    I havent done any chromium lottery myself and still wouldnt mind ppl getting sth like those extra skins
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    Whilst not a terrible idea, taking the perspective of the producers, there is very little likely payoff from doing something like this.

    Players who have already put lots of money/time into the game to get the exclusive characters are already heavily invested and are the most likely players to remain long term. Whilst it is important to retain these players, giving out small rewards like this have little impact and what is more important is generally to avoid doing anything negative towards them.
  • HB0MBZ
    190 posts Member
    Or games could go back to the good old days when there was no such thing as Pay to Win.

    I can't wait to tell my kids that if you throw enough money at anything you can be good at it.
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    I think a cosmetic advantage would be good, like an exclusive alternate skin.

    To max profits, the skin would be available for standalone purchase as well, but would be more expensive.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    Not a bad idea. May even cause some to P2P for a character earlier just for the chance to get the 2nd "skin".

    However, they'll likely make those skins additional characters. Like Han being available as both ST and scoundrel now.
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